Description of diseases and pests of garlic, control measures, treatment and processing

Garlic is exposed to various diseases and pests no less often than other cultivated plants. To know how to prevent their appearance or development, it is necessary to be able to recognize the symptoms of garlic diseases, and to fight them regularly. Garlic dies from a narrow list of pests and diseases, and other pathogenic factors are simply not able to cope with this insecticide. Most often, garlic is exposed to fungal diseases, molds in the ground, in order to prevent this, you need to know what to do when the primary symptoms of such diseases appear.

Garlic pests

Garlic pests stop the growth of the plant, and also gradually lead to its death. Moreover, many insects contribute to the spread of dangerous garlic pathologies.

To prevent this, it is necessary to treat garlic from pests with the help of deterrent compounds. The best of these is the ash solution, which is prepared according to the instructions:

  1. A glass of wood ash is added to a bucket of hot water.
  2. Everything is mixed and infused for 1 day.
  3. 40 grams of liquid soap is added to the resulting liquid.

A prepared agent is used for processing soil and plants.

garlic pests

Stem nematode

The most dangerous pest affecting garden crops is the stem nematode. It is a filamentous worm, the length of which can reach 1.5 millimeters in length. The worm feeds on plant sap and gradually completely destroys the culture. Therefore, every summer resident is obliged to start their treatment and prevention of garlic disease in time to protect it from the next infection. You can recognize the presence of a pest by the following symptoms:

  • light dashes appear on the leaves;
  • garlic feathers gradually dry out, curl;
  • a pungent smell of rot begins to emanate from the plantings;
  • the bulbs dry up.

wood ash

The stem nematode destroys the integrity of the bulb, which is why the appearance of garlic neck rot is often observed. This pathology and pest completely destroy the plant and the crop.

The most effective way, a method of dealing with a stem nematode that affects garlic, is the treatment of plantings with Calypso. Use the mixture to combat the pest strictly according to the instructions attached to it.

garlic feathers

Root onion mite

The most common insect infecting garlic is root mites. The size of their little body is no more than 0.7 millimeters in length, in color it resembles a clouded glass. Within 1 month, a mature individual grows from the laid eggs, and during the season several generations of insects are formed.

It is possible to recognize pests of garlic and fight them only on the basis of the symptoms that appear:

  • the appearance of brown dust on the bulbs;
  • peeling of the bottom;
  • rotting of the fetus.

effective method

If you store an infected crop, the tick persists, the infection contributes to the drying of the heads.

If the tick has already infected the planted crop, it is recommended to use the following control measures to eliminate it from garlic: treatment with Clofentezin or Dimethoatom-400. In the early stages of the development of pathology, Actellik or Neoron can be used.

root onion

Garlic four-legged mite

You can recognize the presence of this pest of garlic by the corresponding symptoms. The plant culture is damaged as follows:

  • leaves curl along an average vein;
  • leaves begin to turn yellow at the edges;
  • teeth become dark green or covered with yellow spots.

four-legged tick

These mites are very dangerous as they cause mosaics.

To combat this mite, it is necessary to use acaricides by processing the storage facilities before laying the crop, to spray the crop during the growing season. To reduce the risk of contamination of the crop in the storage, it is necessary to dry it within 1 week at a temperature of 35-37 degrees.

yellow spots

Onion fly

Such pests of garlic reach a length of 8 millimeters, with a wingspan of 14. You can recognize a fly if you know the description of the pest:

  • the body is brown;
  • the edges of the wings are edged with fringe;
  • the insect lays eggs in early June.

onion fly

The pest damages the feathers of garlic, which greatly slows down its growth and yield. How to deal with garlic pests:

  1. 250 grams of shag is mixed with a spoonful of hot pepper.
  2. The mass is mixed with 2 liters of hot water and infused in a warm place for 3 days.
  3. Everything is filtered, diluted to 10 liters and mixed with 30 grams of liquid soap.

To combat the insect obtained by the infusion, the plant culture and soil should be sprayed once a week during May, and then repeated processing is carried out in July.

makhorka is mixed

Diseases of garlic

Basically, garlic diseases are fungal or bacterial in nature. In advanced cases, such pathologies can destroy most of the crop, therefore, when they occur, it is necessary to immediately take control measures.

One of the most common pathologies is garlic peronosporosis. It manifests itself:

  • yellowing of the upper part of the stem;
  • gradual drying of the stem;
  • slowdown in growth.

bacterial character

When optimal environmental conditions are formed, the fungus actively spreads and can infect all planted crops. Therefore, it is important to prevent the occurrence of peronosporosis. Since the pathology is not capable of developing in bright light and elevated temperature indicators, its prevention is carried out in the following way:

  • before sowing, the teeth are warmed up under the sun for 2 days, while it is desirable that the ambient temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius;
  • the harvested crop is warmed up in the same way;
  • before sowing, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the soil from organic residues and disinfect it.

planted crops

The reason for the development of this disease is the use of contaminated material for sowing, organic residues in the soil, the spread of fungal spores in the wind. To combat it, use:

  • Tiram - strictly according to the instructions.
  • Fentiuram - 3 kilograms are added to 10 liters of water.
  • Polycarbocin - 40 grams of the drug is used for a similar volume of liquid.
  • Arcerida - 30 grams of the product is dissolved in 10 liters.

strictly according to the instructions

For the treatment of seed, you can use a 2-3% solution of the drug Tiram. The cloves are soaked in the solution for 20-25 minutes.

Garlic bacteriosis is another type of pathology that can destroy almost the entire crop. This pathology affects garlic during the growing season, during storage of the crop. Infected teeth rot, do not form seedlings.On tubers, the pathology is manifested by yellow and brown lesions. In some cases, the teeth become transparent and then take on the consistency of mucus.

bacteriosis of garlic

To minimize the risk of contamination of garlic with a bacterial disease, you must:

  • to cultivate the soil with Hom;
  • maintain an interval of 4 years between crops in one place;
  • pre-fertilize the earth with phosphorus;
  • remove organic residues before sowing;
  • maintain the full ripening period of the vegetable;
  • remove the tops only after drying, at a temperature of 23-30 degrees, this process takes 10 days.

work the soil

It is also recommended to use insecticides to reduce the activity of insect pests, treat the seed with formalin, observe the storage conditions of the crop: humidity not more than 60–70%, temperature 1–4 degrees for winter garlic and 16–18 degrees for spring garlic.

Garlic rust

Rust is a type of garlic disease that affects crops and appears as yellowish streaks. Gradually, these stripes become wider, and then they fill the entire sheet plate. In some cases, rust does not appear as dashes, but as yellow rounded spots, which eventually acquire a reddish tint and a convex shape.

garlic rust

Under the influence of this disease, you can lose a significant part of the crop. Such harm is caused by the fact that the plant culture gradually loses its leaves, the activity of accumulating nutrients decreases, the heads do not grow. The likelihood of this disease can be reduced if prophylaxis is carried out before sowing. To do this, you must use the instruction:

  1. The slices are filled with 40% formalin solution and left for 2 hours. It can be made by mixing 40 milliliters of formalin and 120 liters of water.
  2. The beds are watered with a solution prepared from 10 liters of water and 15 milliliters of Fitosporin-M. If this composition is not available, you can replace it with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride.
  3. Only after such processing can you start sowing the culture.

part of the crop

If the planted garlic is sick with rust, it must be treated with copper sulfate or Hom fungicide. The greatest effect is obtained by a mixture made from Hom and finely grated tar soap. Watering the stems is required 1 time in 10-14 days. The irrigation procedure should be completed 30 days before harvest.

In addition to these drugs, anti-peronosporosis agents can be used to combat rust:

  • Alirin-B.
  • Gamair.
  • Cuproxat.
  • Champion.
  • Median Extra 350.

planted garlic

These rust control agents increase the plant's resistance to pathologies.

Black mold of garlic

Black mold is a type of garlic disease in which the vegetable in storage rots and also kills the planting. This pathology is activated if there is poor ventilation in the storage and is manifested by the appearance of black spores that look like dust. Gradually, the teeth soften and rot. Poorly dried or insufficiently ripe fruits carry the greatest risk of developing black rot. Also, rotting on garlic can occur if the planting is more than 6 hours in high humidity conditions.

rust increases

Control measures, counteracting the infection will eliminate the disease of garlic. It is recommended to use Bordeaux liquid for this. 3 weeks before harvesting, the beds are irrigated with 1% composition. Also, to combat black rot, you can use drugs recommended for eliminating bacteriosis.

Fusarium garlic

Fusarium blight most often appears in a southern climate. This pathology affects the plant in the ground during the growing season. The fungus is activated at ambient temperatures of 15-30 degrees and an increased level of humidity.The reason for the appearance of this pathology may be the remnants of the past infected crop in the ground, the use of water for irrigation with fusarium spores. Therefore, for sowing, it is required to select only whole teeth, any damage to their integrity threatens to contaminate the culture.

fusarium garlic

To determine the presence of pathology, you need to know its symptoms:

  • yellowing of the stems;
  • drying of the tips of the stems;
  • the appearance of brown stripes on the stems;
  • the formation of a pink bloom in the leaf sinuses;
  • softening garlic heads;
  • the formation of pink, whitish or yellowish mycelium in the lesions;
  • rotting roots.

yellowing of the stems

To eliminate all pathological causes, it is necessary to prevent fusarium disease, as well as knowledge of measures to combat it in case of damage to garlic. Prevention consists in careful selection of the seed, its treatment with Chromium, Fitosporin, Maxim, as well as watering the beds with disinfecting fungicides and eliminating all residues from last year's harvest.

If fusarium garlic is manifested by primary symptoms on a growing plant, it is necessary to take measures to combat it, such as treatment with Quadris. If the disease persists, the affected plant must be discarded to prevent its spread.

primary symptoms

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