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Vegetable growers are often faced with such a phenomenon as yellowness and ...
Gardeners prune and pinch vegetables such as cucumbers, ...

Zucchini is a valuable dietary product. The vegetable is easy to grow, so there will be no problems, even for beginner growers. The main thing is to know some of the features of culture and agricultural secrets. All information from variety selection to harvesting is collected in this section.

A detailed description of varieties of courgettes for open ground, greenhouses and balconies is given. How to choose the right place for planting, how many times to water and fertilize, is it necessary to form a stem? The answers to these and other questions can be found on the pages of the site.

Compliance with simple agronomic rules will prevent the appearance of diseases and pests. Correct collection and storage of the crop will preserve all the freshness and benefits of the product for a long time.

Description of the best varieties of yellow zucchini for consumption and cultivation
Description of the best varieties of yellow zucchini for consumption and cultivation
Varieties of yellow zucchini, which differ from the usual green ones by the decorativeness of fruits, have gained wide popularity in Russian gardens ...
Description of zucchini zucchini varieties, their cultivation, planting and care
Description of zucchini zucchini varieties, their cultivation, planting and care
Traditional white-fruited zucchini from the garden plots is being replaced by a not so long ago appeared variety - zucchini. Foreign ...
How to grow and care for courgettes in a polycarbonate greenhouse
How to grow and care for courgettes in a polycarbonate greenhouse
Greenhouses are widely used for early harvest of vegetables. Zucchini care in your own greenhouse is simple, ...
Why zucchini grow poorly and turn yellow in the open field, what to do, treatment
Why zucchini grow poorly and turn yellow in the open field, what to do, treatment
Zucchini is considered an unpretentious crop that is quite easy to grow at home. However, despite this, ...
Is it possible to plant zucchini in open ground in August and July?
Is it possible to plant zucchini in open ground in August and July?
Previously, zucchini was most often grown in Mexico, as they took root well in climatic conditions ....
Why zucchini grow irregularly shaped, what they lack
Why zucchini grow irregularly shaped, what they lack
Zucchini is one of the most unpretentious and undemanding crops that even beginners can grow. It...
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