Why do potato leaves curl, what to do and how to treat it?

If it happens that the leaves of the potato curl, then there can be many possible reasons. You must first figure out why this is happening. And then start taking measures to combat this problem. This topic is extremely important, because with such damage, summer residents often lose crops up to one hundred percent.

What can contribute to this?

Every gardener should know what is the reason for the twisting of potato leaves. Among the answers to the question why the leaves of potatoes curl, the main ones are diseases of the vegetable crop.

leaves curl

Among the viral diseases, from which foliage begins to twist, one can distinguish mosaic, columnar, speckled. Due to their presence, the plant suffers, its development stops, the crop does not ripen.

If the edges of the leaves of a potato curl, wrinkle, then these are signs of a mosaic. This is a very dangerous disease in which there is a gradual death of parts of the tops. Most often falls ill in extreme heat.

do and heal

The leaf also often folds if insects attack the plant. They destroy the potatoes by drawing out all the juices from the greens.

Potato diseases

Among the diseases in which leaves begin to curl, mosaic and potato leaf curling virus are distinguished. There are other diseases as well. They are easier to prevent than to cure.

often collapses

There are several types of mosaics: wrinkled, striped and speckled. The causative agents are viruses. Leaves and stems wither, dry, the disease rises from the bottom up. Affects the ripening of fruits, is transmitted to other plants. Affected plants no longer bloom and do not produce crops. Mosaic control should be carried out with chemical drugs from the very beginning of the disease.

The viral disease that causes leaf folding in potatoes is detected mainly in dry summers. The foliage curls up, dries up, turns yellow. The disease reaches the stem and it falls off. It is impossible to germinate healthy tubers, the plant dies.

affected plants

Potato post affects all important organs. Such a plant will no longer bear fruit, the foliage turns purple, the ovary is destroyed.

Fusarium is a fungal disease characterized by leaf damage. They dry up and fall off. The stems and tubers rot. The infection affects the entire system.

stolbur grade

Another disease in which the green part of the potato is affected is verticillosis. It occurs during flowering. During this infection, there are cases where the leaves wilted and curled around the edges. They become blotchy and bloody.After the top of the plant dies off, the tubers also die.

Crop pests

Solanaceous leaves can curl up not only due to viruses, but also due to the invasion of harmful insects. Potatoes usually grow outdoors and suffer greatly from attacks by beetles, caterpillars, midges, flea beetles and anteaters.

green part

The Colorado potato beetle is the most harmful insect. It is difficult to get rid of him, so make sure that he does not appear in the garden.

The jumping cicada insect is a carrier of dangerous viral diseases and infections. At night, it feeds on plant sap with the help of its piercing sucking mouth, making holes in them. Harmful bacteria penetrate through these holes, the plant rot and die.

crop pests

If the foliage on the potato is twisted, then the leaf beetle may have settled on it. It multiplies rather quickly, the larvae eat the pulp of the foliage, the plant cannot develop normally.

potatoes curled up

How to prevent curling?

Diseases in which potato leaves die are easier to prevent than cure. It is better not to wait for the appearance of acute symptoms, but to start preventive measures.

Viruses are transmitted from seeds or from the ground. It is necessary to carefully monitor and select the planting tubers. Look at them to keep them healthy.

An important part is not only tubers, but also tops. It is important to always examine it, if any signs of disease are noticed, immediately remove them so that the virus does not spread throughout the plant. Any plant with twisted leaves should be sprayed for prevention.

leaves are dying

Fight against harmful insects, very often they transmit dangerous diseases. They can be destroyed with the help of products purchased in stores, as well as with the help of prepared infusions at home. Insects are afraid of eggshells, onion husks, vinegar, wood ash. If medicines are combined with folk remedies, then the effect of the fight will increase.

Remove weeds in time. This herb can transmit a dangerous disease to nightshades, which will be very difficult to treat. For potatoes, treatment and prevention of foliar diseases are important, as the harvest is saved.

transmitted from seeds

How to deal with the problem?

Sometimes the reason that the leaves curl on the potato is that the ground dries up very much in extreme heat. Plants at this time need good and high-quality watering so that they do not need moisture. In this case, it is necessary to loosen the ground and mulch the soil, removing weeds.

Description and treatment of all potato diseases is a whole science for gardeners. In order not to start treatment, it is necessary to constantly take preventive measures for viruses and fungal diseases. The stores sell drugs that prevent the appearance of pests, viruses, and therefore leaf curling. Spraying crops with Pharmayod and Phytoplasmin greatly increases the effectiveness of the fight against this problem.

science for gardeners

Potatoes are first germinated and then planted. A sprouted vegetable is immediately visible for negative signs. You constantly need to apply organic and mineral fertilizers to the soil. Before planting, it is recommended to hold the tubers in dissolved boric acid.

Curling potato leaves can come from nearby weeds. Gardeners should always remove weeds and diseased crops on time. The crop must always be harvested on time.

sprouted vegetable

Every gardener should know what to do if potatoes have curled leaves. Correctly selected measures for the treatment of the crop contribute to an effective result and save the harvest.

treatment of culture

  1. Olya
    6.06.2018 14:20

    A similar problem can cause you not to harvest. I recommend taking action right away, rather than waiting until everything returns to normal. You can strengthen the seedlings with the help of BioGrow.

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