Description and characteristics of the strawberry variety Take, planting and care

The Primi strawberry is a product of an Italian breeding company. It attracts gardeners with its high transportability and excellent presentation, which is achieved due to the increased density of berries. It is easy to grow a tasty, fragrant crop on your site if you read the planting rules and know what care the plants will need in the future.

Description of Strawberry Accept and its characteristics

The Primi strawberry belongs to the new mid-early ripening Italian varieties.

Compact bushes of the plant are characterized by vigor, have a well-developed root system. The flowers are medium in size with abundant pollen production. Peduncles are strong, tall, capable of holding the berries until they are fully ripe, and also providing good pollination.

The fruits of the Primi strawberry, which are distinguished by their size, beautiful elongated shape, and bright red, attract attention. The mass of one berry is 40 g. The pulp, dense in structure, is juicy, has a sweet taste and an unforgettable strawberry aroma.

By choosing the Primi strawberry variety, you can enjoy delicious and aromatic berries in early June.

Strawberry Accept

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The Primi strawberry variety has a lot of advantages, thanks to which it deserves its place in the garden:

  • early period of entry into fruiting;
  • high yield, each plant is capable of producing 1 kg of berries;
  • preservation of taste and presentation during transportation over long distances due to the dense structure of the pulp;
  • the ability to store up to 5 days, subject to the creation of optimal conditions;
  • versatility in use, the fruits are good not only fresh, but are suitable for harvesting for the winter, including freezing;
  • resistance to root diseases and various molds;
  • unpretentious care, since the culture tolerates winter and short-term drought well.

There are a number of disadvantages of the Primi strawberry variety:

  • seedlings of the plant in the first year form a small crop, abundant fruiting is observed 2 years after planting;
  • the need for frequent replacement of landings, approximately every 4 years.

There are many more pluses than minuses. Therefore, with the help of proper care, you can get not only a lot of pleasure from tasty and healthy berries, but also additional income.

berries in a container

Features of growing garden strawberries

Planting Primi strawberries must be carried out according to certain rules.At the same time, the berry culture has special requirements for the place of growth and soil structure, therefore, these features must be taken into account when arranging a berry bed.

Pick up time and seat selection

Planting work must be carried out in early spring. Autumn planting is also practiced, which is carried out from the second decade of August to mid-September. The main thing is not to be late with the deadlines, as most of the plants may die.

The place for planting Primi strawberries should be open, well-lit by the sun and protected from the wind. In lowlands and steep slopes, the plant will begin to ache and produce poor harvests.

bush in hand

It will be possible to get healthy and strong plants with abundant fruiting only on loamy, light, rich humus, neutral soils. It is important that the groundwater is at a depth of at least 60 cm.

It is not recommended to use for planting areas on which strawberries, raspberries, potatoes, tomatoes were previously grown.

Preparation of planting material

The key to getting a good harvest is high-quality planting material. Seedling leaves should not have dots, be pale and wrinkled. In seedlings with an open root system, the roots should be more than 7 cm, and in seedlings with a closed root system, the roots should fill the entire container.

Before planting, dip the roots of the seedlings in a clay mixture, this will not let them dry out. You can soak the root system in water by adding a growth biostimulant.

material lies

Planting process

Planting strawberry seedlings in the ground is carried out using the following technology:

  1. Make holes with embankments and prepare a nutrient medium from the soil from the holes, compost and ash. Observe the distance between the bushes 30 cm, and 45 cm between the rows.
  2. Place each seedling on a hill so that the growing point is at ground level and the roots are spread out to the sides.
  3. Holding the bush, cover it with ready-made soil and water it at the same time.

In the process of planting strawberries, Take care that the heart is not very deep, otherwise the plant will rot.

Care Tips

Carrying out all agricultural techniques for caring for Primi strawberries will allow the culture to begin fruiting in the shortest possible time and form yields of delicious high quality fruits for a long time.

put down roots

Top dressing

The Strawberry variety Primi will thank you for the fertilization with an abundant harvest of sweet and large berries. It is recommended to carry out 4 dressings per season:

  1. After the snow melts, using a complex mineral composition with a nitrogen content, the dose of which should be less than usual. This operation is able to stimulate the growth of green mass and the formation of flower ovaries.
  2. Before blooming the peduncles, using nitrophos in the amount of 20 g per bucket of water with the addition of 2 g of potassium sulfate.
  3. At the time of flowering, fertilized with organic matter by diluting manure in water in a ratio of 1: 8.
  4. After harvesting, no later than mid-August, watering the plants with an ash solution containing 200 g of wood ash and 10 liters of water. Each bush should get 1 liter of the composition.

When applying fertilizers, the dosage must be observed.


The Primi strawberry needs regular watering. A sprinkler or drip irrigation system can handle this. It is important to water the crop in moderation, avoiding high soil moisture.

watering the garden

Mulching the garden

One of the measures for the care of Primi strawberries is mulching, which will stop the growth of weeds, provide free access of water and fertilizers to the roots of garden strawberries. Use sawdust, peat, small straw as mulch.

Cleaning bushes and garden beds

Strawberry beds must be kept clean at all times. To do this, you need to remove the shelter in early spring, remove dry leaves and last year's mulching layer.If this is not done in time, the roots will warm up worse, and the plant will wake up later and will not start growing well.

With the help of a pruner, you should cut off old, damaged foliage, the remaining mustache and last year's flower stalks. Also remove the root leaves lying on the ground.

cleaning the garden

Carefully loosen the berry plantings, being careful not to harm the root system. This technique will improve soil aeration and help retain moisture in the soil. Also, if the roots are bare, you need to sprinkle them with fertile soil.

Preparation for wintering

Protecting the strawberry garden in winter is considered an important agronomic procedure for growing crops. Therefore, you need to prune the plants by removing old dried leaves and excess shoots. You also need to loosen the soil well so that the root system receives oxygen.

At the next stage, mulch the strawberry bed using needles, straw, hay. With the onset of spring, remove the shelter to avoid overheating of the plantings.

woman in the flowerbed

Diseases and pests of culture

Strawberry plantations are often affected by diseases (powdery mildew, root rot, viral mosaic) and are attacked by pests (nematodes, aphids, strawberry mites, May beetles). It is easier to prevent the occurrence of a problem than to struggle with its consequences for a long time. Therefore, in the spring, in order to prevent, after cleaning the garbage and loosening the bushes, treat the bushes with preparations containing copper. Also, before budding, spray the plants with fungicides to prevent insect infestations, and after flowering, repeat the treatment with fungicidal preparations.

You should not rush to use chemicals when there are warning signs on the plant. You can resort to safe time-tested folk methods: a solution of ammonia or potassium permanganate and boric acid, tincture of iodine, mustard, garlic, onion infusions.

Propagation of strawberries

It is recommended to propagate Primi strawberries by rooting outlets and dividing the bush.

A productive method to expand the strawberry plantation area is to breed it with a mustache. In the process of growth, the culture grows rosettes placed on the antennae.

Select well-developed, defect-free daughter plants and root them in a new location in loose, moist and nutritious soil.

comparison with the box

The method of dividing a bush involves the selection of a strong and healthy bush at least 3 years old, followed by dividing it into parts. Moreover, each fragment must have a socket and a root system.

Collection and storage

For the sale of strawberries, take them fresh or for processing you need to harvest the crop when it is fully ripe, and for transportation over long distances, remove the fruits at the stage of technical maturity.

It is recommended to store Primi strawberries in small baskets, plastic or paper bags.

Variety Accept is very promising and, subject to the cultivation technology, it allows you to achieve excellent results and high yields.

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