Why the kid does not eat well and what to do, prevention methods

Goats usually give birth to 1-3 kids. They can be kept under the uterus or artificially fed. After the birth of babies, you must immediately drink. Newborn babies are characterized by an imperfect immune system. Therefore, they often face various diseases. As a result, many farmers are interested in the question: the kid does not eat well, what should be done in such a situation?

Why isn't the kid eating?

If a kid refuses milk, it is important to determine the cause of the problem. Most often they occur when weak animals are born. There are several reasons for this - weakening of the mother's health, low temperature in the room in which childbirth takes place, untimely drinking colostrum.

A maximum of 1 hour should elapse from birth to the first meal. The defenses of the body of a newborn baby are imperfect. Therefore, it is unable to resist bacterial microorganisms and serious viruses. For active production of antibodies, it is required to provide the kid with access to colostrum as quickly as possible, which contains useful substances.

If the kid does not drink liquid, dangerous pathologies can be suspected. Common diseases in kids include:

  1. Antenatal hypotrophy. This pathology appears in premature kids. At the same time, newborns are low in weight, which does not exceed 2 kilograms. Also, the baby cannot stand on his feet and hold his head. He needs to be painstakingly nursed, following the recommendations of the veterinarian.
  2. Diarrhea. This is one of the most common violations that occurs for a number of reasons. It leads to imperfection of the digestive system, the use of stale straw, excess milk. Also, the kid may lose its appetite. In such a situation, it should be shown to the veterinarian. For the period of treatment, instead of milk, it is recommended to give your pet rice water.
  3. Cysticercosis of the liver. This pathology is caused by the ingestion of tape parasites. Slow development is considered the first symptom of the disease. In this case, the animal stops growing and does not gain weight. For treatment, special drugs are used.

little kid

What to do if a problem occurs?

To nurture an animal, you should drink it yourself with colostrum. Then it is recommended to give the kid warm milk. To do this, you should use a regular bottle with a nipple. To feed the baby, he needs to close his eyes and bring the bottle to his mouth. In the dark, he will actively suck milk. In this case, the animal is recommended to smoothly stroke the back and tail. Such movements are performed by the goat to push the babies towards the udder.

Expert opinion
Zarechny Maxim Valerievich
Agronomist with 12 years of experience.Our best summer cottage expert.
If the kid does not drink milk well, he needs to drip liquid into his mouth in small portions. It is important to make sure that the cub does not drown.

The pet needs to be warmed up. To do this, it is permissible to use warm blankets or hot water bottles. You can also make a nest with a drawer, bottle, or hot water bottle. To do this, wrap warm containers with towels and place the animal between them. When it gets warm, the next feed is given.

In difficult situations, it is worth giving an injection of vitamin E and selenium. The drug can be in 1 ampoule and called "E-selenium". Bottle feed your baby for 4-6 weeks. After 2 months, hay and grass can be introduced into the diet.

When drinking the kids, you should follow the following scheme:

  • 1-3 days feed 30 grams 5-6 times - the daily dose is 180 grams;
  • 4-8 days feed 3-4 times 75-80 grams - the daily volume is 400 grams;
  • from 1 week feed 3-4 times for 150-200 grams - the daily dosage should increase to 600 grams;
  • from 2 weeks to 1 month, the daily volume is 1 liter;
  • from 30 days, the daily amount of milk must be reduced, gradually replacing it with oatmeal jelly.

Prevention measures

To keep healthy offspring and avoid feeding problems, you should follow a number of recommendations.

little kids

These include the following:

  1. Feed the kids 3-5 times a day. They should eat at the same time. By following such a schedule, you will be able to accelerate weight gain.
  2. Prepare hay in advance. It should be made from fresh herbs. The stems that were cut before flowering contain much more useful elements than in the fall.
  3. Before introducing root crops into the diet, they must be crushed. Thanks to this, the kid will be able to chew vegetables (as well as fruits).
  4. It is recommended to wash and dry the dishes after feeding. All devices should be kept in a specially designated place.
  5. To prevent the development of vitamin deficiency, it is recommended to introduce coniferous branches into the diet of kids. It is also acceptable to use fish oil.

Disorders of appetite in kids are quite common and may indicate dangerous diseases. To cope with the problem, it is recommended to strictly follow the feeding rules. If this does not help, you should contact your veterinarian and conduct diagnostic tests.

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