Can a pregnant goat walk over the period and for how much, signs and what to do

Novice farmers often ask the question: can a goat go over the gestation period and, if so, how much? Indeed, such a situation occurs periodically and poses a danger to the life of the female. To avoid such problems, it is important to know what factors lead to their appearance. If the pregnancy of the goat still exceeds the permissible period, it must be provided with timely assistance.

What affects the gestation period

On average, a goat's pregnancy lasts 140-160 days. Veterinarians operate with a conventional figure of 150 days. It is used to calculate the period of changes in content and nutrition. Such indicators make it easier to work with an impressive livestock and usually correspond to reality.

Moreover, the individual characteristics of animals often affect the development of the fetus and the duration of pregnancy. Many factors affect the period of embryo development. Genetics is of particular importance. The smaller the breed of goats, the shorter the duration of pregnancy. The longest gestation period is observed in large meat breeds. The duration of pregnancy depends on external factors. Nutrition and maintenance are of particular importance.

Expert opinion
Zarechny Maxim Valerievich
Agronomist with 12 years of experience. Our best summer cottage expert.
If the appropriate conditions are not met, there is a risk of slowing down the development of the fetus. With a high-quality and balanced diet, it can, on the contrary, accelerate.

The quality of feeding usually shifts labor by 5-10 days in a certain direction. At the same time, there are certain peculiarities. If the nutritional quality was unsatisfactory at the beginning of pregnancy, the female may overweight the pups. If the goat did not receive a sufficient amount of useful elements at the end of gestation, there is a risk of premature birth of weak kids or abortion.

pregnant goat

Reasons for delayed lambing

The duration of pregnancy depends on internal and external factors. With autumn lambing, a shortening of the gestation period is observed in comparison with spring lambing. This is due to lack of nutrition, low temperatures, lack of sun and physical activity.

If the goat is kept on a non-replaceable bed for a whole year, the duration of pregnancy does not change.

The normal course of pregnancy depends on physical activity. There must be a corral near the barn. It is recommended to leave one part open, and cover the other with a canopy. This will give the goats the ability to walk in any weather. Lack of movement often causes delayed fetal development and various abnormalities after childbirth.

The goat can go into pregnancy due to poor quality nutrition. From the third month, there is an active growth of the fetus. He needs a sufficient amount of useful elements and energy. The shortage of such substances is compensated by maternal reserves. When the animal is exhausted, there is a risk of an increase in the gestation period or the occurrence of a miscarriage.

Sometimes animals have a false pregnancy. In this case, due to artificial insemination or mating, the egg is not fertilized. This abnormality often occurs in goats and can recur every year. In this case, the goat does not give birth.

To rule out pathology, it is worth examining the animal. In normal pregnancy, the following signs are observed:

  • upon examination, it will be possible to reveal the movement of the fetus - while an increase in the size of the udder and abdomen, as well as swelling of the extremities, are also present with a false pregnancy;
  • palpation of the abdominal wall helps to detect the fetus;
  • auscultation helps to identify the pulse of the embryo and the strengthening of the uterine arteries;
  • ultrasound is considered the most accurate method;
  • with the help of special tests, it is possible to track changes in the balance of hormones.

Harbingers of lambing - how to identify childbirth

To set the time of delivery, you should focus on the date of mating. It is recommended to add 148-157 days to this day. This will be the approximate lambing period.

pregnant goat

The following symptoms will help determine the exact date:

  1. The udder is poured a week before lambing. It takes on a tight consistency. This is especially true for the dairy goat breed.
  2. If the udder becomes hot and has acquired a firm consistency, this indicates that the kid will be born within 24 hours. From this moment on, it is recommended to constantly monitor the pregnant female.
  3. Before lambing, the belly sinks low.
  4. The loin becomes more relaxed.
  5. Dimples form on both sides in the back of the tail.
  6. The animal becomes restless and begins to bend strongly.
  7. A few hours before the birth of the baby, a mucous stream begins to flow from the genitals. This lasts until the kid is born.

What to do in case of delays

What if the goat has been walking for more than 160 days? In such a situation, a veterinarian's consultation is required. When the harbingers of childbirth appear, you should be ready to help the goat. If, within an hour after the onset of mucous discharge, there are no attempts and contractions, this indicates a weak labor activity.

pregnant goat

To stimulate muscle tone, it is recommended to inject 10 units of "Oxytocin" intramuscularly. It is also permissible to use "Uteroton" or other stimulating substances. If the fetal bladder ruptures, it is worth giving the goat amniotic fluid. Goat's milk has excellent stimulating properties.

In difficult situations, there is a need for a cesarean section. However, in practice, the need for surgical intervention is rarely observed. Most often, it is required when there is a lack of equipment, the absence of special means, or insufficient veterinarian experience. In addition, such an operation is quite expensive, and therefore not all farmers can afford it.

Before helping the goat, it is worth performing a detailed diagnostic examination.

It is important to ascertain the date of lambing. If errors are made, the intervention can harm the mother and cubs. The goat can go over the gestation period, and this poses a real danger to herself and her offspring. To avoid such problems, it is important to provide the female with the correct housing conditions and balanced nutrition.

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