Description and characteristics of Rex rabbits, rules of maintenance

Decorative rabbits have long been popular pets. A special advantage of Rex rabbits is their fur. The cover is so dense and elastic that it feels like velvet to the touch. In appearance, rabbits resemble plush toys, since the fur cover of animals is the same on the entire surface of the body. So that a pet does not cause trouble, you need to provide it with the correct conditions of detention.

History of the origin of the breed

France is considered the birthplace of the dwarf rabbit breed. In 1924, the Rex breed received official recognition. Its appearance is not the result of complex or lengthy selection. The short-haired individuals arose from an accidental internal mutation of the Belgian giant breed. Through the efforts of the breeder, the next generations of animals have fixed the feature - short fur.

Description and characteristics of the Rex breed

Most often, Rex rabbits are born as pets. However, thanks to the exceptional fur, the breed is also bred on farms.

Appearance and standard

Several main external signs can be distinguished: an elongated body looks round, has a length of 40-55 cm, ears are of medium size, located vertically, a deep chest girth is 31-35 cm.The standard weight of individuals, according to age:

  • at three months - 1.4 kg;
  • at nine months - 2.5-3 kg;
  • adult rabbits - 3-4.5 kg.

The head is small in size, the neck is wide, muscular. Feet are short and strong. The ponytail is modest in size and fits snugly to the body.

rex rabbit


Rex rabbits have a friendly, calm nature. Ornamental dwarf rexes are most often given as pets. At the first meeting, the animal can show fearfulness and alertness. Sometimes rabbits take a long time to get used to a new environment. If these babies are hand-fed, they quickly become attached to their owners. Rabbits are easy to train to the tray, you can train and teach to respond to the nickname.

Physiological features

Rabbits of the Rex breed are distinguished by a proportional and harmonious physique. Distinctive features of individuals:

  • the head of males is powerful, rounded. Females are distinguished by an elongated muzzle;
  • whiskers, as a rule, are absent or grow very short;
  • medium-sized erect ears grow 11-12 cm long. The tips are softly rounded;
  • reminiscent of dense plush, smooth fur. When stroking, the fur does not change direction;
  • for one okrol, the female gives birth to 5-6 rabbits.

rex rabbit

A deviation from breed standards is considered to be ears longer than 13 cm, sparse wool. Individuals weighing more than 5 kg are also subject to culling. Deviations include high fur (hairs grow longer than 2.5 cm).

Rabbit fur

It is the fur of animals that is of particular value (dense, straight, silky hairs no longer than 1.5-2 cm, growing vertically). Sometimes you come across animals that have curly or wavy hairs growing on their tummy or nape.

According to the color palette of fur, the breed has about 30 subspecies, and there is no standard color. The most valuable are rabbits of white shade and “under the chinchilla”. The demand for white animals is due to the fact that the fur is easy to dye in the desired shade.

Economic characteristics

Usually, the slaughter and culling of eight-month-old animals are carried out. Rabbits of this age can gain weight 3-4 kg, but meat is considered a minor product. The main value is fur. Therefore, the slaughtering procedure is carried out in winter, when the fur acquires a special density and beautiful appearance.

rex rabbit

Due to their dense coat, rabbits tolerate low temperatures well and are suitable for breeding in cold areas. Animals do not require special conditions of keeping. For normal development, a temperature of 15-25 ° C is suitable. For the construction of aviaries, materials are used that rabbits will not chew. The place of detention must be equipped with a protective canopy. Aviaries should be adapted for regular cleaning and wet cleaning. The animals are washed periodically and combed out regularly.

Advantages and disadvantages

The demand and popularity of the breed is determined by the quality of the fur. Positive qualities are also considered: the economic benefits of breeding animals, unpretentiousness to feed, friendly character, the ability to keep in low temperatures.

The disadvantage of the breed is low fertility. Before you start a rabbit at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the cons of such content. Since they are rodents, it is important to remove all wires from the floor. Wallpaper, furniture may suffer, so kids are immediately offered special boards, twigs.

rex rabbit

Subtleties of maintenance and care

For raising rabbits in households, cages are installed in several rows. Metal or metal-wood structures are suitable. Moreover, the floor must be flat and solid. The mesh surface will injure the delicate legs of the rabbits, leading to infections.

The cages are kept dry and clean. Cleaning and disinfection is carried out twice a week. The feeder should not be too deep, it is recommended to fix it to the wall. Installing a vacuum drinker is a good choice to keep water from spilling into the cage.

Important! Domestic rabbits should actively run around the apartment or house every day for 2-3 hours.


The basis of nutrition should be complex mixtures containing minerals and vitamins in the right proportions. For the winter period, select a diet consisting of 70% feed, hay, twigs. The remaining 30% are hard vegetables. For feeding pets, dry food would be the best choice (at the rate of 30-45 g per day per kilogram of animal weight). Fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits add variety to the diet.

rabbit feeding

Advice! White cabbage, beets can provoke flatulence, so they are fed in small portions.

Breeding rules

To successfully breed rabbits, you need to gain experience and patience. Veterinarians recommend that beginner animal breeders pay attention to several points. Females give birth at night or in the early morning hours and last 45-60 minutes.

It is important to ensure that babies receive equal portions of mother's milk or that the rabbits are fed with artificial mixtures.To prevent the kids from freezing, they equip a nest in the cage and install a heating lamp.

rex rabbit

Possible diseases and prevention

To prevent the development and spread of diseases, animals are regularly shown to the veterinarian. A common disease of rodents is rhinitis (constant sneezing, nasal discharge). The veterinarian should choose the right treatment regimen. For preventive purposes, Rex rabbits are vaccinated against myxomatosis and hemorrhagic fever. Animals 2-3 months old are vaccinated against rabies.

Rex rabbit selection

As a rule, active individuals with dense shiny fur are acquired, aged from one and a half months. The main signs of a purebred animal are: massive body, even distribution of fur and no bald patches, fur is shorter than 1.7-2 cm, mustache curved or short, large hind legs covered with soft dense fur.

Perhaps you will not find a person who would not be touched at the sight of plush rex. Rabbits are not too capricious in their nutrition and care. Due to their unusual appearance and docile nature, they are excellent companion animals.

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