How many years can rabbits live at home, terms for different breeds

Many breeders start planning their rabbits with the question of how long these animals will live at home. The life expectancy of domestic and wild breeds varies due to living conditions and the lack or availability of human assistance. In addition, the characteristics of a particular breed, as well as gender and related circumstances, affect longevity.

Average indicators

Average indicators are calculated by specialists based on the results of numerous observations. The boundaries are between 4 and 12 years old.

At home

Domestic rabbits stop growing by 18 or 24 months. A healthy rabbit can live in a cage with adequate nutrition and good care for up to 12 years. Decorative dwarf breeds live from 9 to 12 years. Giants live up to 8-9 years, this is dictated by anatomical features. Meat breeds are kept for slaughter, therefore, life expectancy is limited by the period of weight gain, it is achieved by 4-5 years. Lop-eared breeds grow up to 24 months of age, but live much shorter than other decorative breeds. The life span reaches 7-8 years.

Expert opinion
Zarechny Maxim Valerievich
Agronomist with 12 years of experience. Our best summer cottage expert.
Reference! The record for the life expectancy of a rabbit was recorded in South America. He was 19 full years.

In nature

The life expectancy of ordinary wild rabbits is 3-4 years, this is dictated by the conditions of their natural habitat. Individuals do not live long, since they constantly have to take care of survival, they get food, often become victims of predators or die from diseases.

beautiful rabbits

What affects the lifespan

Various factors affect the lifespan of rabbits:

  1. Heredity and characteristics of the breed. The cleanliness of the mating is important for subsequent offspring, so breeders of breeding rabbits can count on the fact that they will live a maximum of years.
  2. Vaccination and creation of immunity. Routine vaccinations help pets live longer. They protect against common diseases.
  3. Hygiene and care. These are important criteria. Rabbits that are kept clean, warm and cared for can live a very long time. This is especially true for pets kept in the apartment.
  4. Habitat. This factor involves taking care that the animal does not overcool, overheat, and receive the maximum amount of sunlight. Rabbits love to be in ventilated areas, but they do not tolerate drafts. It is important to release pets in the summer.
  5. Nutrition.One of the most important conditions for keeping is a balanced diet. The diet should contain traditional feed complexes, as well as vitamin and mineral supplements. Proper nutrition is important, with rabbits receiving food at the same time. In addition, it is important to change the diet when diagnosing pregnancy, when you reach a certain age.

beautiful rabbit

Signs of old age

Breeders do not always know the exact age of the wards, so it is necessary to know the main signs that determine the onset of old age:

  1. Condition of the coat. The hairline becomes less fluffy, stops shining, and bald patches appear.
  2. Eye expression. In young rabbits, the eyes shine, the pupils are in motion all the time, as the rabbit fixes the situation around him. In aging rabbits, eyes do not shine, interest in what is happening is almost not fixed.
  3. Physiological features. In aging animals, the skin begins to sag on the stomach. Some breeds lose their sight and hearing early.

two rabbits

Information! Many pets show signs of arthritis by the age of 5-7, and their appetite decreases.

How to extend the life of a pet

Owners can extend the lifespan of the rabbit if they follow the rules of keeping. High-quality care includes not only the organization of food and living conditions, but also taking care of the mental state of pets.

Maintaining cleanliness

It is important for the pet to have a separate place where it returns to sleep, or where food and drink are waiting for it. It is customary to keep domestic rabbits in cages. The cage surface, drinker and food compartment must be cleaned daily. It is recommended to disinfect all items weekly with suitable antiseptics.

beautiful rabbit


The diet is prepared in advance, taking into account the characteristics of a particular rabbit. Young individuals receive a variety of food, taking into account the fact that they need to gain weight. Feeding of females with offspring or aging rabbits, which gradually begin to lose their appetite, are organized separately.

The menu should contain the following items:

  • dry cereal feed: oats and barley;
  • fresh root vegetables;
  • compound feed;
  • grass or hay;
  • vitamins and minerals.

rabbit food

The drinker is filled with fresh drinking water. If necessary, medications for the pet are added to it.

Conditions of detention

The most common option for keeping rabbits is cage placement. As a rule, they are designed for one pet, although in summer two adults are settled on the street in the same block, provided there are no conflicts between them.

The cage consists of two superposed blocks. One of them is for sleeping, there is a bedding there. The other holds a feeder, drinker and toilet. The cages are positioned so that the animals do not overheat or overcool. This provokes diseases that animals are susceptible to.

Keeping in aviaries or in pits is a separate organization of the life of pets. In each case, it is necessary to take into account the air temperature and humidity indicator. Aviary keeping is especially common in warm regions, when owners do not need to worry about moving pets for the winter.

many rabbits

Reference! Maintenance using excavated pits is associated with the need to comply with the terms of placement. The place for the pit should lie far from groundwater or wetlands so that the moisture indicator is comfortable for animals.


Rabbit cages or mini-farms are usually placed a short distance from the ground. This is due to the fact that rabbits are often attacked by rodents or insects. They are carriers of infection, therefore, special attention is paid to the safety of rabbits.

Sheds or outhouses where animal blocks are housed are regularly treated with protective equipment to prevent pest attacks.

Protection from stressful situations

Mental health for a rabbit is just as important as physical health. Rabbits need to have relatives nearby. That is why proponents of aviary are opposed to the construction of individual cages.

Breeders claim that cage content helps maintain hygiene and control the amount of food consumed, but that pets really need dosed communication with members of a related breed.

The constant suppression of the rabbit's desires negatively affects the mental state. Restriction in space provokes stress, loss of appetite, depression, therefore, when planning conditions, you must remember that animals need walks in nature, even if they are limited by protective nets.

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