The benefits and harms of gooseberries for human health, medicinal properties and vitamins

Most healthcare professionals and nutritionists have debates over the health benefits and harms of eating gooseberries. Even in ancient times, people noticed that the berries, leaves and branches of gooseberries have unique properties and have a beneficial effect on the body. The main thing is not to harm health, to use in moderation, and the leaves and branches - strictly according to the doctor's recommendations.

Composition and nutritional value of gooseberries

Gooseberry is a storehouse of useful substances that the body needs, especially during an epidemic of viruses and pathogenic microorganisms, in the postoperative period, for children to increase immunity. Berries contain a large amount of vitamins, microelements and macronutrients, dietary fiber, organic acids, polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids.

100 g of fresh berries contain 0.7 g of protein, 0.2 g of fat, 9 g of carbohydrates and 45 calories, 3.4 g of dietary fiber, 0.6 g of ash. Processed berries into preserves, compotes, and jams also contain many nutrients, although the calorie content of such products is higher due to the addition of sugar and other spices. The jam contains 190 kcal, proteins 0.5 g, fats 0.2 g, carbohydrates 40-45 g, dietary fiber 2 g, ash 49 g.

The composition of fresh berries contains vitamins:

VitaminsQuantity per 100 g fresh fruitAmounts in 100 g of berry jam
Retinol (A), including β-carotene3320
Thiamine (B1)0,010,005
Riboflavin (B2)0,020,012
Niacin (nicotinic acid, PP, B3)0,70,25
Choline (B4)40
Pantothenic (B5)0,29
Pyridoxine (B6)0,030,02
Folate (B9)53
Ascorbic (C)357,5
Alpha tocopherol (E)0,50,3
Biotin (H, B7, Coenzyme R)500
Phylloquinone (C)8

Green gooseberry

Some of the vitamins and minerals it contains make up the majority of the daily value:

  • Biotin - 1000%.
  • Silicon - 35-40%.
  • C - 33%.
  • Manganese - 23%
  • Molybdenum - 17%.
  • Copper - 13%.
  • Potassium - 10%.
  • B4 - 8.5%.
  • Iron - 4.5%.

But it should be borne in mind that these tables show an approximate amount: vitamins in gooseberries, macro- and microelements may be slightly less or more, depending on the variety used with fruits of green, yellow, red or black.

Macronutrients, mg, mcgTrace elements, mg, mcg

Gooseberry bush

How to choose a quality and fresh product

The berries are presented in different colors: yellow, green, red, red-purple, black. Many buyers ask the question of how to choose the right gooseberry so that it is tasty and ripe. The main thing you need to know is that green berries contain a greater amount of valuable substances for the body, others in smaller quantities. But varieties with a dark color will have a sweeter taste than green ones, which have a slight acidity, which is due to the higher amount of vitamin C.

How to choose:

  • The berries must be dry so that there are no drops of water or condensation on them. Then such a product will be stored longer. And the likelihood of the beginning of the decay processes will be excluded, since it is usually sold in plastic containers in the store.
  • If you touch the berries, then ripe ones will have a more elastic skin. The immature ones will be hard. Overripe berries are soft to the touch, mushy inside.
  • Berries from a healthy bush will not have damage, spots, white bloom.

If the berries are sold with stalks, then such a product will be stored longer.

Why gooseberries are useful: the effects of berries on the body

The benefits of gooseberries for the human body lie in the composition of the substances that it needs for normal functioning. Vitamin C contained in it is more than 30% and A 3.5% are involved in redox reactions in the body, thanks to them, the process of iron absorption occurs.

The benefits of gooseberries

This interaction of substances contributes to:

  1. increasing the protective function of the body;
  2. improving blood circulation;
  3. helps to synthesize hormones in the thyroid gland;
  4. promotes the assimilation of B vitamins;
  5. improves metabolism;
  6. increases the body's resistance against viruses and pathogenic bacteria;
  7. relieves fatigue, helps fight stress.

Biotin, which is significantly higher than the norm, contributes to:

  1. normalization of metabolic processes;
  2. improves lipid, protein, carbohydrate metabolism;
  3. increases skin elasticity, improves complexion;
  4. helps fight skin aging;
  5. normalizes the nervous system;
  6. promotes hair growth;
  7. ensures the growth of new cells;
  8. normalizes blood sugar.

Ripe gooseberry

Silicon, copper, manganese, molybdenum, choline contained in fruits help:

  1. normalize cholesterol levels;
  2. protect body cells from harmful bacteria;
  3. improve the digestive tract;
  4. normalize fat metabolism;
  5. prevent the formation of gallstones;
  6. fight excess weight;
  7. participate in the formation of bone and connective tissues;
  8. ensure the delivery of oxygen to the tissues.

The benefits of gooseberries for the human body are great, because not every product can combine so many useful substances that affect the work of the whole body as a whole.

Useful properties for men

Nutritionists recommend that men use gooseberry berries not only fresh, but also dried, in the form of sauces, marinades, jams, wine, alcoholic tinctures on berry cake. Even in the cooked form, many useful substances remain in the fruits that can improve cardiovascular activity, help fight stress, because men most often hide it and suffer from heart diseases.

In berries, leaves, roots that can be brewed into tea, there are components that increase physical endurance and promote the work of the reproductive organs of men. Traditional medicine recommends harvesting the leaves of the plant in spring, and in autumn the roots, dried in the shade, but brought into a room with low humidity at night.

For women and pregnant women

Women should pay special attention to eating fresh fruits, as they contribute to the gentle removal of toxins, normalization of sugar, cholesterol and hemoglobin in the blood.The substances that make up the gooseberry, when interacting, solve the problem of overweight, quench thirst and appetite, improve metabolism and the work of the digestive tract. Increase skin elasticity and repair damaged cells, promote nail and hair growth.

Pregnant girl

The skin of the face becomes clean, fresh, lightened after applying masks and using juices, compotes, decoctions of gooseberry leaves and berries. It is especially important for pregnant women who often have a decrease in hemoglobin, an increase in blood sugar, weight gain and problems with bowel movements.

Pregnancy lowers a woman's immunity, and the fetus consumes most of the vitamins and elements obtained, so they need gooseberries for good health. Gooseberry fills the body of a woman and a fetus with useful nonessential and essential amino acids, helps to increase immunity, which decreases due to pregnancy.

How gooseberries are good for a child

Pediatricians recommend that children, starting from 7-9 months, who do not suffer from gastrointestinal diseases and allergies, give a teaspoon of gooseberry juice. The child needs to consume 45-70 g of fresh gooseberries daily. Berries have a positive effect on the child's body: they increase immunity, saturate the body with useful substances and vitamins, improve mood, and prevent the appearance of skin diseases.

Gooseberry bowl

For what diseases is it recommended to use

Gooseberry helps to improve the functioning of the whole body, but is more effective in the treatment and prevention of diseases:

  • associated with impaired metabolic processes in the body;
  • skin diseases;
  • oncology;
  • with diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • disturbances in the work of the bile, liver, urinary, kidneys;
  • with diabetes mellitus;
  • for diseases of the joints and cartilage.

Gooseberry leaves and berries are brewed in tea to prevent ARVI, influenza.

Gooseberry Medicines Recipes

For the treatment of colds, squeeze the juice from the gooseberry berries and drink 50 g 2 times a day for 5-7 days.

To increase the metabolic rate, improve digestion, a decoction of 100 g of fruits per 1 liter of water will help, boil over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Drink 1 tbsp. in 30 minutes before meals.


You can improve the condition of joints and cartilage with the help of tea made from gooseberry leaves and fruits. Wash 10 leaves and pour boiling water, leave to infuse for 6 hours. Pour boiling water over 10 gooseberries for 2 hours. Mix the infusions and consume 30 g 3-4 times a day.

The use of medical and culinary recipes from gooseberry for the prevention of diseases should be carried out under the guidance of the attending physician or after his consultation.

Features the use of berries in cosmetology

Retinol, folic acid, vitamin C, collagen, silicon help to improve the condition of the skin, restore damaged cells, and eliminate fine wrinkles. All these elements are found in gooseberries, so masks with them help women look several years younger, eliminate fatigue, cleanse, moisturize and whiten their skin. But before use, you must pass an allergy test.

Gooseberries in cosmetology

You can prepare a skin mask from the pulp of berries, mix it with olive oil, and add baby cream or other berries and fruits that are not allergic. The main feature of the use of gooseberries in cosmetology is that it cannot be used if there are wounds, cracks, cuts on the skin, since the concentration of acids in the berries will irritate open wounds.

Pros and cons of using gooseberries for weight loss

Plus the use of gooseberry berries for weight loss - a small calorie content of berries. Therefore, for weight loss, you can eat 100-200 g, while the body will receive a signal of saturation, because it contains chromium, which is responsible for appetite.It has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system and the gastrointestinal tract, it promotes the breakdown of fats, has a mild diuretic and laxative effect.

Ripe fruits

The disadvantage of gooseberries when losing weight is that they cannot be consumed in large quantities, which will contribute to irritation of the digestive system, can cause vomiting, diarrhea.

Existing contraindications and restrictions

Gooseberry helps to eliminate toxins, toxins and improve metabolism, therefore, for people suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, or in an exacerbation stage, it is contraindicated for use in any form. It can do more harm than good in the presence of diseases:

  • pancreatitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • stomach ulcer, intestines;
  • kidney and urinary stones;
  • gout.

For any illness, you should consult your doctor before using gooseberries. And of course, use a little, in moderation, without overeating.

  1. Galina
    7.07.2019 12:37

    very complete content that answers all questions, recipes are very good! Thank!

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