Description and characteristics of dwarf leghorns B-33, rules of maintenance

The description of the dwarf Leghorn B-33 has many features. These birds are small in size and at the same time are characterized by high parameters of egg production. For birds, the presence of a recessive dwarf gene is characteristic. In fact, they are a smaller copy of the Leghorns. To achieve success in raising chickens, they should provide suitable conditions.

Origin story

This new breed was bred by scientists by introducing a special dwarf gene into the DNA of Leghorns. The standard variety of chickens was produced in the nineteenth century in Livorno. Subsequently, scientists from different countries tried to improve it.

The B-33 dwarf breed was bred at the All-Russian Scientific Research and Agricultural Institute of Poultry. Moreover, the new variety of chickens differs from the standard only in appearance. The productivity parameters are almost identical.

Description and characteristics of the breed dwarf Leghorn

This breed has a number of features that make it surprisingly popular with poultry farmers.

Exterior and color

This breed practically does not differ from the original one. The key difference lies in the smaller torso and legs. The breed standards include the following features:

  • small rounded head;
  • small leaf-shaped comb;
  • white or blue earlobes;
  • long neck with a bend;
  • wide tail;
  • wedge-shaped body;
  • thick feathers;
  • white color of birds.

pygmy leghorn at 33 description

The eyes change their color depending on age. Young birds have bright orange eyes, mature ones - light yellow.

Character specifics

Dwarf birds are characterized by a friendly disposition. The birds hardly ever fight each other. Exceptions are cock fights, which defend leadership positions.

In general, birds are active and inquisitive in nature.

Productivity indicators

With their small size and small stature, birds of this breed produce large eggs that weigh 63 grams. They are solid white. The live weight of chickens is 1.2-1.4 kilograms. Roosters weigh a little more - 1.4-1.7 kilograms. Egg production parameters reach 210-240 pieces per year.

pygmy leghorn at 33 description

Main pros and cons

The main advantages of birds include the following:

  • high parameters of egg production;
  • big eggs;
  • excellent survival rate of chicks;
  • excellent acclimatization;
  • the need for a small area;
  • lack of specific pathologies;
  • minimum feed intake.

At the same time, dwarf Leghorns also have some disadvantages:

  • loss of incubation instinct;
  • decrease in egg production with an unbalanced diet;
  • low taste characteristics of meat.

pygmy leghorn at 33 description

Features of maintenance and care

In order for chickens to develop normally, they should be provided with high-quality conditions. At the same time, it is important to properly equip the chicken coop.

Conditions in the chicken coop

Dwarf birds can be safely kept in cages. Small chicken coops are also suitable for them. In this case, it is worth following these rules:

  • the house must be warm. Temperature - be at least +5 degrees;
  • there should be no drafts in the room - good ventilation is important;
  • the house should be placed in a quiet place - birds are afraid of loud sounds;
  • you will definitely have to organize the bedding - it is permissible to make it from hay, sawdust or straw;
  • cleaning is important once a season;
  • disinfection is worth annually;
  • ensure a minimum of 12 hours of daylight hours.

pygmy leghorn at 33 description

Walking yard

A small area is enough for walking the birds. It should be borne in mind that birds can fly. Therefore, you will have to make a roof or a fence with a height of at least 1.5 meters.

Molting and a break in egg production

Birds are able to fly during molting. In this case, it is worth reducing the duration of daylight hours. As a result, the productivity of birds will decrease, but chickens will be able to overcome the molting process faster.

Planned replacement of livestock

The maximum productivity of birds is observed in the first year. After that, it gradually decreases. Therefore, the herd should be changed when the parent is 1 year old.

pygmy leghorn at 33 description


Dwarf Leghorns do not need specific nutrition. At the same time, they need high-quality and balanced feed. Sometimes you may notice that chicks have curled fingers. The reason for this phenomenon is considered to be an excess of protein components in the diet. To avoid such problems, the birds should be provided with quality food.

If it is not possible to use commercial feed, it is recommended to feed the chickens dry and wet food. You can mix grains to make dry food. For this, oats, corn, barley, wheat are suitable. Boiled potatoes and other vegetables are used to make wet food. Moreover, it can only make up a third of the total diet.

Birds should definitely be given vitamins and minerals. For this, chalk, salt, shells are introduced into the diet. It is also permissible to use ready-made vitamins, premixes. During the summer, birds should get enough greens. In winter, they should be given boiled vegetables. In the open access, birds must constantly have clean water, and in winter it should be heated.

food in hand

Breeding B-33

The chicks of these chickens are usually born strong and healthy. Their survival parameters reach 95%.

Incubation features

This bird has almost lost its incubation instinct. Therefore, it is worth using an incubator for breeding chicks. Experts advise against crossing these chickens with other species. This will negatively affect breed standards.

Incubation stages

When carrying out incubation, it is worth doing the following:

  1. Examine the eggs. They must be intact, free of stains and streaks.
  2. Be sure to check the eggs with an ovoscope. It allows you to review the content and remove the bad stuff.
  3. Clean eggs from contamination with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. Place the eggs in the incubator with the blunt end up. The bookmark should be done in the evening.
  5. First, put large eggs, after 6 hours - medium. After the same period of time, small specimens are laid. This will allow the birds to hatch at the same time.

little chickens

Diseases and their prevention

Birds have excellent immunity.However, sometimes they do face disease. This is facilitated by severe crowding, malnutrition, violation of conditions of detention.

Most often, dwarf leghorns suffer from the following pathologies:

  1. Salmonellosis is an infectious pathology associated with infection with bacteria. At the same time, the chickens become lethargic, lose their appetite. They develop lacrimation, purulent discharge from the eyes, swelling of the peritoneum, lameness. Antimicrobial agents are used for treatment. The hen house must be disinfected.
  2. Pullorosis is an infectious disease that affects the intestines of birds. At the same time, the birds lose their appetite, become lethargic. Their body temperature rises to +44 degrees, loose stools are observed, and motor activity decreases. Sulfonamides are used to treat the disease.
  3. Avitaminosis - a violation due to a lack of minerals in the diet. At the same time, weight loss, loss of feathers, weakness, and inflammation of the eyes are observed. There is also a risk of intestinal disruption. The crest and earrings take on a pale shade. To cope with the problem, mash, vitamins and minerals are introduced into the diet of birds.

Dwarf Leghorns are very popular with poultry farmers. These chickens are small in size, but have high productivity parameters.

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