Description of Loman White White chickens and keeping rules

For the cultivation of Loman (White) White chickens, it is recommended to take into account the advice of specialists. This breed of chickens is very popular because of its many advantages. These include excellent productivity, peaceful character, resistance to high and low temperatures. Chickens are characterized by excellent appearance, therefore they will become a real decoration of the poultry house.

Description and characteristics of chickens Loman (White) White

Loman White chickens were obtained in Germany back in 1970. The scientists crossed the productive species - Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island.

Exterior of chickens

Layers have an excellent appearance. They are characterized by the following features:

  1. Compact trapezoidal build. Birds are characterized by an unexpressed chest and belly.
  2. Small head. It is decorated with bright lobes and a comb. The eyes have a rich orange tint.
  3. White feathers. They fit snugly to the body and at the same time have a hard consistency. Lush plumage protects chickens from frost and winds. At the same time, birds do not feel discomfort even in hot weather, since they have excellent thermoregulation.
  4. Small wings. Their length is proportional to the body.
  5. Graceful legs. They are distinguished by their elongated shape and bright yellow tint.

Loman White

Character and behavior

These birds are considered balanced. This makes the birds suitable even for beginners. Layers have a calm disposition. They are safely allowed to be kept with other individuals. They are light and agile, but sometimes a little noisy.

Roosters are gallant and take care of hens. 1 male is enough for 15-20 females. Birds feel fine in cages and free-range.

Cross productivity

This breed is characterized by excellent egg production. It is 340 eggs per year. They are large in size and covered with a dense white shell. If conditions are right, chickens are able to lay eggs all year round.

dense birds

The peak productivity of layers occurs at 160-180 days. After 80 weeks, the egg production parameters decrease. Therefore, birds are usually not kept longer than this period.


Ripening occurs at 4.5-5 months. Birds belong to the industrial direction, therefore, they are characterized by stable egg-laying.

The first eggs are unlikely to be large.

However, after a while the birds will grow and the size of the eggs will also increase. To achieve this, it is worth providing the birds with quality care.

huge herd

Breed advantages and disadvantages

The pluses of the breed include the following:

  • high performance;
  • egg-laying stability;
  • large eggs;
  • calm disposition;
  • easy adaptation to a new environment;
  • minimum feed costs;
  • excellent vitality;
  • the ability to endure exposure to high and low temperatures.

At the same time, chickens also have certain disadvantages:

  • the impossibility of breeding offspring with the same characteristics - this is due to the use of genetic technologies;
  • a gradual decrease in productivity - this creates the need to replace the livestock;
  • lack of incubation instinct - therefore birds cannot be used for breeding offspring;
  • the inability to get a lot of meat - this breed is considered egg.

thoroughbred hens

Features of the content

In order to succeed in raising chickens and get high productivity, it is necessary to provide them with the right conditions of detention.

Place for content

Such birds develop normally at temperatures of + 23-25 ​​degrees. They are characterized by thick feathers and strong immunity. Therefore, birds are quite capable of living in rooms with a temperature of +5 degrees. It should be borne in mind that in such conditions the hens will not rush.

In order to achieve stable egg production throughout the year, it is recommended to install heating devices in the hen house and take care of its insulation. In winter, the temperature should not be less than +15 degrees.

walking on the street

Productivity parameters directly depend on the population of the house. Chickens should provide plenty of space. There should be no more than 2-3 birds per 1 square meter.

Loman White chickens normally rush only when sanitary and hygienic recommendations are followed. A good option would be to equip the house with a high-quality ventilation system. If this is not possible, it is recommended to frequently ventilate the room. At this point, it is worth making sure that the chickens are not in a draft.

Daylight hours are considered the key factor to ensure in a cross-breeding area. The hen house should have at least 1 window through which daylight will penetrate. In autumn and winter, you should definitely use additional lighting sources. Daylight hours should be 12-14 hours.


In the chicken coop, there must certainly be feeders, drinkers, nests. To calculate the number of nests, one should be guided by this ratio: 1 piece for 5-6 chickens. The feeder is selected based on the value of 10-15 centimeters per bird. Drinking bowls are recommended to be made with a volume of 5-6 liters.

There should be quality natural or artificial materials on the floor. Most often, farmers use hay or straw. Sawdust is a good option.

Walking yard

To ensure the hens feel normal, they should provide a place to walk. 1 hen should have 1 square meter of area. Drinking bowls and feeders should be placed in the aviary.

yard for walking

Moulting season

Molting is required for birds to replace plumage and prepare birds for the new season. During this period, egg-laying decreases or stops completely. In this case, you should not worry. When feathers are replaced, productivity indicators will recover.

To stimulate this process, it is worth introducing a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables into the diet of birds. It is also recommended to give chickens vitamin and mineral complexes.

Family replacement

These chickens are characterized by an early ripening period. At the same time, the productivity of birds quickly ends. One year after the onset of maturity, egg production becomes low. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare in advance for a planned change in livestock.

head with beak

Breed feeding

To ensure the chickens develop normally, it is recommended to feed them properly. In this case, it is worth considering the following features:

  1. In the first weeks of life, the chicks are given compound feed, which is a dry cereal mixture. Homemade recipes are not recommended during this period.
  2. For 3 weeks of life, it is permissible to introduce vegetables and fruits in the bird menu. The birds are allowed to give carrots, cabbage, apples.
  3. Introduce greens into the diet. This is done to strengthen the immune system.
  4. Adult females and males are advised to give 114 grams of purchased grain feed.
  5. During molting, it is worth introducing vitamin and mineral complexes. The veterinarian will suggest the specific remedy.
  6. It is worth stocking up hay for the winter.
  7. It is periodically recommended to give the birds porridge. To do this, take oatmeal, buckwheat or barley and pour boiling water or broth. Add vegetables and herbs to the composition, insist and give to the birds.

Sometimes chickens are allowed to give cuttings of meat and fish. It is recommended to pay special attention to drinking bowls. They must always contain fresh water. This is of particular importance in spring and summer.

feeding from the trough

Raising chickens

Chickens of this breed are not used for breeding. They cannot be removed on their own. If you put eggs in an incubator, you get chicks that are not similar in properties to their parents.

Experienced poultry farmers buy birds for one season. To replace the livestock, they purchase a new batch. Chickens are more often chosen. Roosters are less in demand.

first chicks

Incubation instinct

Loman White is considered an industrial cross, therefore, the incubation instinct is not characteristic of him. Birds just don't feel the need for this process. Laying a large number of eggs is considered their key task.

Farmers must understand that it will not be possible to breed birds of this breed on their own. Chicks will not have parental characteristics. You can buy eggs and chicks exclusively from producers.

Juveniles and survival

Chicks are characterized by high parameters of survival. They reach 95-96%. It should be borne in mind that the health of young birds depends on a balanced diet, maintaining the temperature and suitable humidity indicators.

If favorable conditions are created for chickens, their immune system will fully develop and strengthen.

Thanks to this, it will be possible to obtain healthy adults.

white chicken

From 1.5 months it is permissible to add chicks to adults or other birds. They are characterized by slower growth than other hybrids. In this case, puberty is observed early. In addition, feathers appear earlier in such chicks than in chickens of other breeds.

Diseases and prevention from them

The hybrid has no characteristic or chronic diseases. With the strict implementation of the basic recommendations and proper feeding, chickens and males remain healthy. They need vitamin and mineral preparations 1-2 times a year. Layers are more in need of them..

Loman White chickens are very popular with farmers. These birds are characterized by high performance parameters, excellent appearance, high resistance to low and high temperatures. To avoid the development of serious diseases, birds are recommended to provide quality care and adequate nutrition.

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