When do you need to harvest onions in 2020 according to the lunar calendar for storage?

The exact dates have been determined when it is better to harvest onions in 2020 according to the lunar calendar. Tips and tricks from experienced farmers will help you calculate the most successful days for harvesting a ripe crop. They will help you figure out how to properly harvest and store the crop so that all the beneficial properties of a spicy vegetable are preserved.

How to determine the ripeness of an onion?

Quality onions directly depends on compliance with the rules of harvesting and determining the timing of this procedure. The ripeness of the bulbs can be recognized by the external signs of the ground and underground parts of the plant, and can also be calculated mathematically.

The timing of the harvest depends on many conditions. The most important criterion that determines the ripening time is the selected variety. Onions with early, medium and late ripening boundaries can be planted. Weather conditions play a significant role. In a cold, rainy summer, the ripening period is shifted by several days or even weeks.

External signs of maturity

External signs that can serve as a guideline for the beginning of digging ripe onion heads include:

remove onions

  • stems that were previously straight and green begin to dry, turn yellow and wilt;
  • the neck of the bulb becomes thinner, turns yellow and fades;
  • feathers begin to creep along the ground (if the summer is cool, then this symptom may occur earlier than the heads ripen);
  • the scales of the ripe bulb are dry, golden in color and easily peel off.

Mathematical way

Calculating when to remove onions from the garden for storage can be done using a simple mathematical method.

signs of maturity

In order to calculate which number is better to dig up the bulbs, you need to solve a simple example. 70-90 days are added to the date when the onion was planted. The resulting amount will serve as a starting point for harvesting. The number of days added depends on the selected variety.

When calculating the ripening time, you need to take into account the weather conditions. If the weather is hot and dry, you can harvest the onions earlier than the calculated date. In case of cold weather and rains, you need to add a few more days to the resulting number.

dig up the bulbs

When to remove onions from the garden: timing

Some growers prefer to harvest onions according to the lunar calendar. This is the easiest and most convenient way to calculate the timing for harvesting bulbs.

The moon and the sun affect all living things, including plants. There are days when these space objects attract juices from the ground part of plants to their roots. These times are considered ideal for harvesting crops that have matured underground. These vegetables include onions.

onions from the garden

Moon calendar

In places with moderate climatic conditions according to the lunar calendar 2020, it is recommended to start collecting ripe heads in early August (starting from the 7th). At this time, the Moon will be in a waning phase. This will favorably affect the further process of drying and storage of the crop. In areas prone to heavy rainfall, it is recommended that you start digging before it starts.

If you are interested in the question of whether it is possible to harvest onions on a new moon (the moon is crescent, growing), the answer is yes. The new moon period is characterized by a slowdown in all biological processes in the terrestrial part of plants. At this time, weeding, weed and pest control cannot be carried out. But you can collect ripe root crops. All the power of plants goes to the underground part. Therefore, the harvest harvested during the new moon is juicy and fortified.

moon calendar

Good lunar days when you can harvest bulbs are August 2, 8, 13, 14 and 20. Unfavorable period - from 4 to 7 August. At this time, it is better to loosen the soil.

Country life hack

The phases of the moon, which the lunar calendar takes into account, have no less influence on the quality and quantity of the crop than other factors. It has long been noticed that in different phases of the moon, plants grow and develop in different ways.

country life hack

During the waxing moon, all juices go from the roots to the ground part of the plants. At this time, the growth of cultures is intensified. It is not recommended to harvest root crops during this period.

The waning moon is characterized by the departure of plants to rest. All forces and juices rush to the roots. It is on the waning moon that it is better to remove the bow. The nutritional value of the bulbs will be at the highest level. The full moon is considered a favorable period for harvesting onions.

come from the roots

How to dig onions from the beds correctly?

Having determined the best onion harvesting dates in 2020, you need to start preparatory work:

dig up properly

  • Two weeks before the expected date of digging the bulbs, they stop watering the beds. If it rains, it is better to cover them with foil. This will allow the heads to dry out, which will have a beneficial effect on the storage of the harvested crop.
  • It is best to start work in the early morning so that there is more time to dry out in the sun.
  • Pulling the bulbs by hand is not recommended. The root crop can sit firmly in the ground and only damage the tops. Better to use a shovel or pitchfork. Carefully digging in the ground, they pull out the vegetable.
  • The dug crop is laid out in one or two layers on a previously prepared material, carefully shaking off the adhering earth. From time to time you need to stir the onions so that different sides are exposed to the sun's rays.
  • After digging, do not cut the tops off immediately. It is left until the bulbs are completely dry (the drying process takes about two weeks). The tops contain many nutrients that will continue to flow to the onion heads for a long time.

If you miss the timing of harvest (harvest earlier or later than the recommended date), the risk of developing early decay increases. Such vegetables are poorly stored and do not have high taste.

digging dates


When harvesting a plant, the ripening period can be calculated by adding 75 days to the planting day. According to the lunar calendar for 2020, favorable days for harvesting in August fall on the 2nd, 3rd, 13th, 15th, 20th, 29th.

days for cleaning


For the timing of digging leek the weather, variety, climatic conditions affect. If the onion is not supposed to be stored in winter, you can harvest it in August. When a vegetable needs to be prepared for storage, harvesting begins only at the beginning of October.

Leek leaves should not completely turn yellow, much less wither and dry out. If warm, sunny weather with occasional rains prevailed in summer, you can harvest 8-10 days earlier. In a rainy summer, onion harvesting should also start earlier.This will avoid rotting and you can dry the crop well enough.

supposed to store


Onion sets are planting material, and the harvest of the next years will depend on its quality. Sevok can be grown independently from nigella seeds, or you can buy ready-made sevok in a store.

Onion sets begin to ripen 90 days after planting. The most successful period in order to remove the seedlings from the beds is considered from the beginning of August to the middle of the month. By this time, the tops dry out, turn yellow and lie on the ground.

nigella seeds

You need to dig onions from the ground earlier if the weather is rainy. In this case, the sowing will take root, and the harvested crop will not be stored for long. After planting, active flowering will begin in the spring and the yield will decrease.


The difference between shallots is the presence of not one, whole head, but several cloves. Outwardly, in color and shape, it is similar to garlic. Shallots are characterized by earlier ripening periods, long shelf life and a large number of nutrients.

one-piece head

Shallots begin to be removed from the beds when the feathers turn yellow, dry, and sink closer to the ground. Similar signs appear around mid-July. The harvest time must not be missed, otherwise new roots will appear and the storage time will be significantly reduced. Each onion is dripped with a pitchfork, dried for about 10 days. Then the tops are cut, leaving a stump of 4 cm.

Many people harvest shallots according to the dates indicated in the lunar calendar. The most successful harvest period is the full moon. At this time, the harvest is most juicy and ripe.

a few teeth

How to speed up the ripening process?

If it's time to harvest, or if heavy rains are forecast and the tops are still green and straight, there are some clever tricks you can use to help your crops ripen faster. All work on the garden: watering, fertilizing must be completed two weeks before the expected harvesting date. There are other tricks as well.

speed up the process

Stopping watering

Harvesting is carried out before the period of heavy rains. At the same time, they stop watering the plants. Moisture encourages feather growth and new roots that prevent the bulbs from ripening.

lingering rains

Undermining roots

If the soil is loose, you can manually pull the bulbs a little to break the roots. You can dig the heads with a shovel, but do not remove them from the garden, but leave them in this position. It will be possible to harvest a crop with undermined roots earlier.

pull the bulbs

Exposing the bulbs

If the onion heads are deeply planted, a method of pushing the soil away from each head will help. When exposed, it receives more light, air and matures faster.

Sometimes the roots of the bulb are cut off by about 5 cm. It is not recommended to mow the ground part of the plant. This can lead to a complete loss of crops. Onions dug out ahead of time can ripen precisely because of the tops, which contain many nutrients.

bare bulbs

How to prepare onions for storage?

Before you put the dug out onion for storage, you need to dry it thoroughly. Without cutting off dry feathers, the onions are laid out after harvesting in the garden. If the weather is good, you can dry in this way for several days. After harvesting, the entire crop not only dries out from the sun's rays, but also disinfects. At night, you need to clean it indoors so that the morning dew cannot spoil the harvest.

If you decide to leave the onion in the garden, then in the morning you need to cover it with foil.

After two weeks, when the onions are completely dry, you can start cutting dry tops, leaving a stump of about 4-5 cm. Some gardeners keep onionsweaving the tops into braids. In this case, you do not need to cut it off. For storage, you need to select large, free from defects and rot spots.

dry well

Wicker baskets, wooden or plastic crates with holes, nets or cardboard boxes are suitable storage containers.It is better to move the containers with the harvest to the basement or cellar, but you can store it in the apartment, but only away from the heating appliances. The optimum storage temperature is 0– + 5 degrees, while the humidity should not be higher than 80%.

There are secrets that will help preserve the harvest for a long time. Onion skins are placed between the layers of onions in a box. It prevents waterlogging and protects from drying out. Wood ash or sawdust will help keep the moisture level at an optimal level. A bucket with the selected component is placed near the boxes.

wicker baskets

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