Description of varieties of pepper Khalifa, Antey and Flamenco, cultivation and yield with photo

Cultivation of crops on plots is not less common than tomatoes and cucumbers. Each summer resident selects the types that are suitable for his family. Flamenco pepper is a hybrid that has delicious and beautiful fruits. But besides this variety, there is also Khalifa, Antey and many others. The selection criteria are different, but there are general properties that are considered by everyone.

Flamenco sweet pepper

The characteristic of the variety shows the presence of a large number of positive properties. Such as high yield, immunity to some diseases and many others.

crop cultivation


  • Ripens in 100-115 days.
  • The height ranges from 50 to 100 cm.
  • The bush is upright, powerful.
  • The number of peppers per plant is 6-8 pcs.
  • It is grown in open and protected ground.


  • Fruit color is red.
  • Cuboid shape.
  • Weighing up to 180 g.
  • Has 3-4 cameras.
  • The wall thickness is 7-8 cm.
  • Sweetish taste without bitterness.
  • The aroma is excellent.
  • It tolerates transportation well, keeping its presentation and juiciness.

cultivation and yield

Thanks to these characteristics, the Flamenco hybrid is becoming more and more popular not only with ordinary summer residents, but also those who are engaged in the industrial production of pepper.

How to grow Flamenco properly?

Planting any kind of pepper is not easy. He is very sensitive to transplants. For this reason, summer residents recommend growing it in peat pots or diving into small cups. This will reduce the stress of moving to a permanent location.

The seeds are sown in late February or early March. Having previously germinated them by soaking in a wet cloth or napkin.

upright bush

After the emergence of seedlings, it is advisable to feed the seedlings 2 times with organic matter. Or complex mineral fertilizers.

Flamenco F1 peppers have 4 plants per 1 m2... Before planting, the wells are watered abundantly.

2—3 weeks after transfer to a permanent place, it is better not to water the peppers at all, the plant will seek moisture and develop powerful roots.

After the first flower blooms, it is plucked, it will subsequently interfere with the normal development of the bush. Also remove all side shoots up to the first fork.

wall thickness

Advantages of the Flamenco variety

The pepper has its pros and cons, the quantity depends on how popular the variety will become later.


  • Large-fruited.
  • High productivity.
  • Disease immunity.
  • Versatility of application.
  • Unpretentiousness.

immunity to disease


  • Demanding formation.

For summer residents, the formation of bushes is not a negative side of varieties and hybrids, so they undoubtedly acquire seeds and grow beautiful sweet pepper fruits on the site.

universality of application

Immunity, application and yield of the Flamenco hybrid

The species is resistant to the tobacco mosaic virus and other diseases characteristic of this culture.

Use a vegetable for any kind of winter harvesting. Preparing fresh salads and other dishes.

The yield is 8 kg from 1 m2 in open ground and 13 kg in greenhouses and hotbeds.

application and yield

The opinion of summer residents regarding the Flamenco hybrid

A novice summer resident does not always trust the characteristics of the manufacturer, therefore, he is looking for feedback from people who grew peppers on their plots.

Masha: “For 6 years I have not found a worthy variety to replace. Satisfies everyone: taste, aroma. There is nothing difficult about caring for plants. I grow in seedlings. I remove side shoots and the first flower at the fork. "

harvest volume

Sweet pepper varieties Antey

A description of the variety of culture gives the summer resident a lot of useful information. Thanks to her, he correctly distributes plants on the site and does not make mistakes when growing.


  • 50-70 cm high.
  • With a powerful stem.
  • Sprawling bush.
  • It matures within 125-135 days.

Bell pepper


  • Weight 200-300 g.
  • The shape is conical-prismatic.
  • The color is red.
  • Wall thickness 6-8 mm.
  • Classic taste without bitterness.
  • The density is high.
  • The pulp is fleshy.

Pepper Antey is suitable for everyone who loves to consume vegetables in any form.

grade Antey

Growing on the site

Summer residents recommend growing a culture in a seedling way. The only disadvantage of the method is that the pepper has sensitive and vulnerable roots.

In order to prevent this from happening, the seeds are planted in separate containers. In which they will grow for 60 days, or peat pots. Seedlings are fed with growth stimulants or organic matter.

fleshy pulp

Planting in the ground, 1 m2 have 6-7 plants. Watering, loosening and weeding, compulsory agrotechnical requirements, which are fulfilled to obtain a full result.

Peppers are often watered, not forgetting about feeding with complex preparations. After that, the crust formed on the surface is loosened.

high density

Advantages of the Antey variety

According to the description, he has more positive qualities than negative ones.


  • Productivity.
  • Undemanding care.
  • Versatility of application.
  • Excellent taste, high commercial quality.
  • Able to tie even in adverse weather conditions.
  • Resistant to disease.

planting in the ground


  • The variety is sensitive to soil compaction.
  • Demanding on the soil composition.

To understand whether a variety is suitable for growing in the region of residence, you need to grow 2-3 bushes.

the variety is sensitive

Immunity, culinary uses and harvest volume of Anthea

Antaeus is not subject to verticillary wilt. Timely preventive measures are recommended against other diseases.

Peppers are used for canning, fresh consumption, stuffing and freezing.

Productivity is the first sign that the summer resident pays attention to. Antaeus, subject to growing requirements, gives 6-7 kg per 1m2.

use in cooking

The opinion of summer residents regarding the Antey pepper variety

Often, more useful information is obtained from the reviews of experienced summer residents who have already encountered this species.

Inna: “A very good grade. I grew up in the country, I liked everything. I will definitely plant it again. "

good grade

Khalifa sweet pepper variety

Each variety has certain characteristics, for some they are positive, for others the opposite is negative. A detailed description will help you achieve excellent results when growing a crop. Indeterminate sweet pepper varieties require special care in the care.


  • Compact bush.
  • Height from 60-90 cm.
  • Ripens 95 days after germination.

compact bush


  • Shape: cubic
  • Color: on one plant there are fruits from milky white to deep red.
  • The density is high.
  • The taste is excellent, not bitter.
  • It tolerates transportation well.
  • It is stored for a long time, keeping its commercial qualities.

To appreciate the positive qualities, you need to grow the Khalifa pepper on your site.

there are fruits

Planting varieties

The crop has a long growing season, so gardeners recommend growing it in seedlings. Seeds are sown in advance 50-60 days before transfer to a permanent place. Do not forget that the roots of the culture are vulnerable, therefore, after transplanting, the growth of bushes stops for a while.

The seedlings must be looked after by feeding the plants with organic matter at least 2 times before planting.

1 m2 have 4 plants, tying to a support and forming a bush. The growing point and side shoots are removed until the first fork.

grow pepper

Khalifa's immunity, application and yield.

Pepper is resistant to the tobacco mosaic virus; preventive measures are taken against other diseases.

Summer residents argue that it is better to prevent disease than to cure the culture.

a long period

Vegetables are used for the preparation of all types of winter preparations, fresh salads and stuffing.

The yield is high; subject to the requirements of agricultural technology, the declared yield is obtained.

Any type of plant requires attention, but the more care the summer resident shows, the higher the yield will be.

prevent disease

  1. Anya
    6.06.2018 00:00

    I like this variety, the peppers grow quite large and very juicy. I fertilize seedlings only with a bioactivator "BioGrow". The tool is inexpensive and effective, I recommend using it.

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