Simple recipes for preparing broccoli blanks for the winter at home

Many vegetable growers are engaged in growing broccoli on their plots. The popularity of this vegetable is due to the fact that it is considered one of the most delicious varieties of cabbage. To enjoy the pleasant taste of this plant all year round, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with how to harvest broccoli correctly for the winter.

Health benefits of broccoli

Numerous scientific studies have repeatedly proven that such cabbage has beneficial properties that distinguish it from other vegetables. Before preparing dishes from this vegetable plant, everyone needs to familiarize themselves with the peculiarities of its effect on the human body.

Fights cancer

The composition of cabbage fruits contains a large amount of sterol, which prevents the appearance of oncological diseases that affect the mammary glands of girls. Also, this component protects the prostate gland of guys from malignant neoplasms. In addition, a lot of sulforaphane accumulates in ripe vegetables. This trace mineral has an antioxidant effect that stops the development of cancer cells in the body.

Another element from the composition that prevents cancer is vitamin C. It prevents malignant tumors from developing due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Prevents diseases of the digestive organs

Ripe broccoli and freshly squeezed vegetable juice have a beneficial effect on the bile production process. Thanks to this, people with a deformed gallbladder digest food much faster. Regular consumption of fresh cabbage cleanses the stomach of bacteria that provoke stomach ulcers or gastritis. Also, the vegetable improves the well-being of people who already have these diseases. It contains components that restore the mucous membrane and eliminate pronounced signs of peptic ulcer disease.

broccoli in a bowl

Treats diseases of the cardiovascular system

The beneficial properties of broccoli help get rid of most diseases that affect the functioning of the circulatory system. The fruits contain protein, the composition of which is very similar to the proteins from chicken eggs.At the same time, it is completely free of cholesterol, which has a positive effect on blood circulation.

The vegetable contains choline and methionine, which cleanse the blood from excess cholesterol and dilate blood vessels. Potassium and magnesium are also present in cabbage, which make the heart muscles stronger.

Fights respiratory diseases

Broccoli is known for eliminating harmful microorganisms that provoke the appearance and development of lung diseases. Doctors advise smokers with many years of experience to eat more cabbage, since their protective functions of the body are weakened. Sulforaphane is responsible for protecting their health, which is part of the vegetable plant and fights infectious diseases.

Also, this component helps to cope with:

  • chronic bronchitis;
  • exacerbations of asthma.

broccoli in a plate

Helps to Lose Weight

Ripe plants and decoctions that are prepared from them help to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Nutritionists recommend adding broccoli dishes to the diet, as they help get rid of extra pounds. Losing weight is carried out due to the fact that the product removes excess fluid from the body.

We prepare the necessary ingredients

Before you start harvesting broccoli for the winter, people need to familiarize themselves with the features of preparing this vegetable. First, they are engaged in the selection of the highest quality fruits that are suitable for the preparation of preserves. When choosing a cabbage head, they pick it up and squeeze it tightly. If the shape of the fetus is deformed under load, it means that it is not fully ripe. Such heads of cabbage are not suitable for fresh salads and preserves, as they quickly soften and hardly crunch.

Ripe fruits are distinguished by elastic leaves with a pleasant and aromatic smell. For winter storage, only healthy fruits are selected, on which there are no darkening, cracking or black dots.

For cooking, do not use vegetables that are oversaturated with nitrates. To distinguish such vegetable plants from normal heads of cabbage, pay attention to the thickness of the leaves. Cabbage with a lot of nitrates has rather thick leaves. Also, to identify chemical additives, pay attention to the weight of the fruit. Heads of cabbage without nitrates weigh much less.

broccoli green

Vegetable growers advise against buying broccoli with blossoming flowers and yellowish heads for canning. Such plants are very tough and do not boil well. For blanks for the winter, fruits are suitable, colored green, with a faint burgundy tint. Cabbage inflorescences selected to create blanks are soaked for 20-40 minutes in warm water and cleaned of dirt.

Preparing broccoli

Every housewife who loves winter storage is engaged in the preparation of broccoli at home. There are several recipes for preparing delicious dishes from this vegetable plant.

Korean salad

Many housewives find Korean cuisine to be very difficult, so they rarely close Korean salads. However, people who have familiarized themselves with the recipe for such a snack do not have any difficulties in the process of preparing it.

When creating a Korean salad, pour water into a small saucepan, put it on a gas stove and boil it. Then the cabbage is thoroughly washed with water and cut into several inflorescences. After that, two bell peppers are cut into two equal parts and cleaned of internal seeds. Having prepared the main ingredients, they are poured into boiling water and 35 grams of salt are added to it. The vegetables are boiled for 25 minutes, after which they are poured into a bowl.

While cooking the cabbage, two small carrots are grated and placed on a plate. Then add two bunches of dill and chopped garlic cloves to it. After that, all the prepared ingredients are mixed, salted again and 50 milliliters of vegetable oil and vinegar are poured.

Frost broccoli for the winter

Cabbage is often frozen in the freezer for winter storage. For this fresh vegetable:

  • put in a bowl;
  • fill it with water;
  • add some salt.

broccoli in water

After 35-40 minutes, the cabbage inflorescences are removed from the container and washed under running water. After that, they are laid out on a flat surface to dry. When the cabbage dries up, it is transferred to plastic bags and placed in the freezer.

Salted broccoli cabbage

To pickle a snack for the winter, cut the cabbage into small pieces and put it in a two-liter glass jar. Then the container is filled with cold liquid and salted with 25 grams of salt. After that, the container with cabbage inflorescences is transferred to a dark and warm room. The vegetable is insisted until the fermentation process begins in the jars.

When the mixture begins to ferment, the brine is poured from the jar, 40 grams of sugar are added to it and poured back. After half an hour, jars of cabbage are re-transferred to a warm room for three days, after which they are placed in a refrigerator for further storage.

canned broccoli


So that the vegetable plant does not lose its useful qualities, some housewives prefer to pickle it. To do this, a kilogram of cabbage is thoroughly washed in cold water, cut into small pieces and placed in jars, where they will be pickled. Then add two chopped heads of garlic, three bunches of dill, two bay leaves and parsley to each container.

After that, a brine is prepared, which will be poured into jars with ingredients. For its preparation, 20 grams of salt and sugar are added to 5 liters of water. The liquid is boiled for 20-25 minutes, after which it is poured into jars. The rolled containers with cabbage are transferred to the cellar.

pickled broccoli

Tinned in banks

For long-term winter storage of vegetables, housewives have to preserve them.

To do this, a kilogram of broccoli is soaked in saline and rinsed in water to cleanse the plant from dirt and midges. Then the inflorescences are cut and transferred to a container for canning. When the vegetable is distributed among the jars, a marinade is made. To prepare it, pour water into a saucepan and add 40-50 grams of salt and sugar to it. The brine is boiled for forty minutes, after which it is poured into jars. Containers of broccoli are rolled up with sterilized lids and taken to the cellar.

In tomato filling

To prepare an unusual snack, many people prepare broccoli with tomato sauce. When creating such a dish, 800 grams of cabbage inflorescences are cut and blanched in hot saline. Then 100 grams of tomatoes, 80 grams of pepper and two heads of garlic are minced in a meat grinder. The resulting mixture is transferred to a saucepan, stirred with vinegar and boiled for 15 minutes. Then soaked cabbage is added to a container with boiling marinade and cooked over low heat for half an hour.

broccoli in boxes

The prepared snack is poured into jars and rolled up with lids.

With bell pepper and cauliflower

Among the delicious broccoli recipes, there is a snack prepared with the addition of cauliflower and bell pepper. First, peel and finely chop two onions. Then washed under running cold water with 500 grams of cauliflower and 600 grams of broccoli. The washed ingredients are chopped and placed in a saucepan. After that, cut 100 grams of bell pepper, peel it of seeds and stew in a pan with chopped onion. Then the prepared cabbage is poured into the pan and stewed for 20-30 minutes.

broccoli and pepper

Put the prepared appetizer on a plate and sprinkle with green dill leaves on top.

In sweet and sour marinade

To prepare a cabbage appetizer in sweet and sour brine, people study in advance the peculiarities of preparing such a dish. First, prepare the sauce in which the broccoli will be marinated.To do this, add 70 grams of soy sauce, 50 milliliters of vinegar, 10 milliliters of ketchup, mayonnaise and 75 grams of sugar to a bowl. All components are mixed and placed in the microwave for 15-20 seconds.

After preparing the marinade, the cabbage is cut and simmered for about an hour. The cooked vegetable is mixed with the marinade and distributed among the jars.

No sterilization recipe

For quick preparation of winter blanks, recipes without sterilization are often used. First, the cabbage inflorescences are washed from dirt, dried and cut into small pieces. Then cut two onions, one carrot and a bell pepper. All ingredients are mixed and put into jars. After that, water is boiled on a gas stove for 10-15 minutes. The boiled liquid is poured into jars of vegetables, after which vinegar with salt and sugar is added to it. The appetizer is rolled up with lids and, after cooling, is transferred to a cool room.

fresh broccoli


To quickly ferment the cabbage, you need to clean the inflorescences from dirt and place them in a shallow bowl. Then they are filled with hot salted water and placed on the gas stove. After 40 minutes, cabbage heads are taken out of boiling water and poured with cucumber pickle. Cabbage prepared in this way is eaten after 25-40 days.

How to store broccoli for the winter

In winter, broccoli blanks are transferred to a cellar or any other room in which the temperature will not exceed 10-15 degrees. At high temperatures, canned cabbage is worse stored and spoil faster. If a person does not have the opportunity to transfer the blanks to the cellar, he will have to freeze broccoli in the freezer.


Many people want to eat cabbage inflorescences not only in summer but also in winter. In order to preserve broccoli snacks at such a time of year, people study in advance the peculiarities of preparing winter preparations from this vegetable.

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