Agricultural rules for growing tomatoes in the open field and greenhouse

Agrotechnology of tomatoes in greenhouse conditions, in the open field or on an ordinary windowsill is very simple. There is no need to create difficult conditions, it is very easy to care for them. This process is gradually attracting interest.

Choosing tomatoes for growing correctly

If you are going to grow tomatoes with your own hands, plant a variety of varieties. On the windowsill of the house, you can also grow tomatoes, but of special varieties, dwarf type. For an excellent harvest, choose varieties that are regionalized, adapted to climatic conditions.

How to grow in open ground

The agricultural technique for growing tomatoes in the open field is also very simple. Tomatoes are often grown using the seedling method. However, first they should be planted in greenhouses and wait until they become normal in size, and then planted in open ground. The minimum distance between shoots is from 10 to 15 centimeters.

There is nothing special about caring for them. You just need to make sure that the temperature does not fluctuate, is normal, and that the humidity matches. During the day, the best temperature is 20-25 degrees, and at night from 8 to 10. That is all the conditions for growing tomatoes in the open field.

cultivation techniques

Growing in greenhouse conditions

The agrotechnology of growing tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse is a little more complicated. To begin with, tomatoes are planted in a previously prepared greenhouse structure, where they will, in fact, grow in the future.

Their yield depends on the quality of planting. It is important to use the correct tomato planting scheme. Cups containing high-quality seedlings should be planted in holes to a depth of three to five centimeters. Plants can be overgrown, in which case you can place the stem in the soil at least ten centimeters deep. But you need to dig a ditch. The stem is designed so that additional roots can form on it, which will also feed the plant.

warm conditions

How to care

There are major factors that affect how well a seedling will take root and develop in the future. Let's take a look at some of them.

potty care


This factor is key in tomato cultivation. In greenhouse conditions, it is desirable that the temperature remains in the range of 22 to 25 degrees, and the soil is warmed up to 15 degrees. If the temperature is maintained, the tomatoes will quickly put down new roots and begin to develop rapidly.

temperature regime


Before planting seedlings in the greenhouse, refrain from watering for 2-3 days. Water liberally when planting. Be sure to make sure that the roots are in contact with the soil. Otherwise, the plant will begin to wilt and be exposed to diseases. Watering should be done when the topsoil dries up.

water jet


When planting, be sure to pour fertilizer into the holes. As it is perfect 20 g of nitroammophoska containing N16, P16, K16.

Please note that in no case should the roots touch the granules, otherwise they will get burned. Therefore, you should mix them with the soil. You need to feed every week, after which it is imperative to water abundantly.

water fertilizer


Tomatoes have flowers that are capable of pollinating themselves. To do this, shake the tomatoes a little. This should be done during the day when it is sunny. It is advisable to launch bumblebees into the greenhouse, install a hive with them there. Then the fruit will tie much better.

bee pollinates

Growing without seedlings

You can plant tomatoes both in the greenhouse and on the ground without using seedlings. Then, already in the fall, you should begin to prepare, after plowing the ground. You can start planting as early as April or early May. After planting, you should expect the first shoots when the soil temperature becomes about 14-15 degrees.

By the way, it is worth trying to add seeds to tomatoes, for example, radish or oats. They can easily make their way through the crust of the soil. Be sure to add a special top dressing - granular superphosphate.

planting without seedlings

About fertilizers

Plants must be fed, this will significantly increase their yield. Add Kemiru Universal every 10-15 days. It should be diluted in proportions of 50-70 grams per 10 liters of liquid. Pour one liter under each bush. In the first few weeks, after the tomatoes have been planted, you need to add slurry, first diluting it in water.

root fertilizer

In order for the fruits to ripen faster, you need to lay them out in pre-prepared boxes with the stalks upwards in 2-3 layers. It is imperative to spray tomatoes using Kemiru Lux (about 10-12 grams per 10 liters of water). Make sure that the solution does not remain on the foliage, more precisely on its lower part.

If the plants do not have enough sunlight, then you need to provide them with calcium. If suddenly the flowers fall off for no reason, spray the tomatoes using a solution of boric acid, but a weak concentration, somewhere around 1 gram per liter of water.

fertilizer in a glass

How to properly prepare the site and soil

When choosing a site where tomatoes will grow, it is imperative to take into account some factors:

  1. The place must be sunny, because tomatoes love light. So you will be able to get good fruits pretty quickly.
  2. Do not plant tomatoes in the same spot all the time. It is imperative to take breaks for 3-4 years.
  3. If fresh manure was used as fertilizer on the site, it is not suitable for planting tomatoes there.
  4. When growing tomatoes in the open field, this should be done where the site is slightly elevated, so that there is no stagnation or excess moisture.

digging with a shovel

The soil for planting begins to prepare closer to autumn. The soil is fertilized with foliage humus and cow dung. The soil should have a low acidity, but if on the contrary, the growing season will be slow. Try to figure this out before planting. You can increase the acidity level by planting sorrel or sour. You can deoxidize the soil using lime, charcoal or chalk. When the necessary substances are introduced into the soil, you should dig it up thoroughly and water it abundantly.

ready land

About seedlings

It is the seedling method that is most often used, as it provides maximum productivity. To start planting tomato seedlings, the seeds should be sown at the end of March or around the beginning of April. The optimum temperature for sowing seeds is 23-25 ​​degrees. When the seeds germinate, 13-15 degrees is enough. When the first leaf appears on the sprouts, the temperature can be raised up to 23-26 degrees.

clean leaves

The root system of a rod-type tomato, therefore, the part of the roots that is below should be plucked. Thanks to this, the root system will germinate much better. A pick is carried out only when the first two leaves are formed. Be sure to water them before doing this to make it easier to remove from the container.

You need to get the seedlings with a lump of earth, and the root should be shortened by about a third. Tomatoes must be planted using the 8 by 8 scheme, the approximate normal air humidity is 60 percent.

newspapers on the window

What diseases are tomatoes exposed to?

In general, tomatoes are very resistant, but still, sometimes they are subject to various diseases. It is advisable to carry out prevention so that the bushes remain healthy and calmly develop further. Let's look at the diseases that your tomatoes can get infected with:

disease attacked

  1. The upper leaves begin to curl up. This is due to the fact that the plant is sorely lacking calcium. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to feed the vegetables with calcium nitrate.
  2. The leaves turn yellow. Try to pick these leaves.
  3. Damage to fruits by apical rot. This ailment is manifested by the fact that brown spots are formed on the fruits due to a lack of calcium. It is solved in the same way as with the first ailment.
  4. Phytophthora. This is a pretty serious illness. It affects plants during their growing season. Brown spots begin to form on the leaves, the size of which increases very quickly. Something similar happens with the stems. In this case, you should more often ventilate the greenhouse, water less and treat with a solution of copper oxychloride.
  5. Brown spot is an unpleasant fungal disease. It is capable of completely destroying a tomato. It manifests itself in the form of large spots of light yellow color. Gradually they change color, and a white bloom is also formed. To eliminate the problem, you should also more often ventilate and treat with copper oxychloride.

healthy roots

How to pick tomatoes

The period when they should be collected is from July to August. Tomatoes are harvested for two, and sometimes even three months. The time when you need to pick tomatoes is influenced by the period when they were planted. Outdoor grown early tomatoes begin to ripen in early June. If the tomatoes are late ripening, then they ripen around the beginning of August. If you are picking varieties whose purpose is salting, it is advisable to do this earlier than the first frost occurs.

Be careful when plucking fruits because they can be accidentally bruised or scratched. Bad fruits are also plucked, and immature ones remain until they ripen.


We grow tomatoes on the windowsill

There is such a variety tomatoes like "Balcony miracle", That's exactly what it is perfect for growing tomato seedlings on the balcony of the house. It is famous for its small fruits, but with a very pleasant smell and taste.

pots are

Growing this variety is easy. You need to take the seeds and plant them in a special box, where the soil has already been poured. Next, you need to put something on top, such as glass or polyethylene. Next, you need to water more often as soon as the earth begins to dry. Be sure to place the container with tomatoes in a well-lit place, the temperature should be room temperature. About once a month, you need to fertilize tomatoes, make sure that cold air does not get inside.

After about 100 days, the tomatoes will begin to ripen, and each bush will bring about one and a half to two kilograms. With a large number of fruits, branches should be tied up, otherwise they may break.

tomatoes on the windowsill


To obtain a good yield, it is important to adhere to the agricultural technology of growing tomatoes.Use the methods and guidelines we have provided to get good results. Be sure to carry out prevention against diseases, feed and process the bushes.

  1. Nina
    8.08.2018 14:47

    I decided to grow seedlings myself this year. Used biofertilizer for reliability BioGrow, the seeds were soaked. The seedlings are strong, the stems are strong. Before planting in April, I hardened the seedlings on the balcony. Now there are tomatoes like a bayonet, exuberant and hung on each branch in many pieces. Fertilization probably makes sense.

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