Characteristics and description of the variety of tomato Shuttle, its yield

Tomato Shuttle was bred in 1997 at VNIISSOK. It is a determinant and standard variety. That is, when ovaries appear, the bushes stop growing. The shuttle variety is suitable for both greenhouses and open ground. The bushes are compact, they can be grown on a loggia and on a windowsill.

Characteristics of bushes and fruits

Description of the variety: The shuttle is classified as an early variety, 110 days pass from the emergence of sprouts to the collection of fruits, and only 95 days in the greenhouse.

Characteristics and description of fruits: they have a sweetish dessert taste. The fruits are harvested from June 10 to October. The first inflorescence grows at the bush over 6 - 7 leaves.

Description of tomatoes Shuttle - the fruits are somewhat elongated, have a sharp tip, similar in shape to pepper. Tomato weight - 50 - 60 g. Tomatoes can be eaten fresh, put in salads, canned, squeeze juices, make sauces.

Description of the bushes: 40 - 50 cm high, few leaves, 7 - 10 ovaries are formed on one brush. The stepsons do not cut off the bush, because of this, up to 40 tomatoes can be tied on it. Collect 5 - 8 kg of fruits from 1 m², and from a bush - 1.25 - 2 kg of tomatoes.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The positive features of the variety include the following:

variety advantages

  1. The tomato shuttle is very hardy. It can be planted even in Siberia.
  2. The bushes are small, compact, because of this, they do not need to be tied up, pinned, cut off excess trunks.
  3. The skin of the fruit is dense, so tomatoes are easily transported over long distances. Tomatoes are stored for a long time.
  4. Tomatoes contain a lot of sugar and nutrients, the fruits are suitable for feeding children.
  5. The variety has an excellent yield.
  6. The fruits are tasty, fleshy, very sweet.
  7. Since the bushes are compact, they do not take up much space.
  8. Quite a long time for fruit formation.
  9. The variety is unpretentious in care.

There are also disadvantages: The shuttle is not resistant to diseases, and if the weather is cool, much less ovaries are formed.

Sowing seeds

In the variety “Shuttle”, growing begins with sowing seeds in the house. Tomato seeds are sown from February 20 to early March. Before planting, the seeds are etched in a solution of potassium permanganate, then dried and placed in growth stimulants.

placement of tomatoes

You can sow seeds in peat pots or in a box, making an indent between the seeds by 6 cm. The seeds are buried in the ground to a depth of 1 cm. Then the plantings are watered from a spray bottle with soft settled water, covered with a film.

Growing seedlings in the house

When the first shoots appear, the film is removed. Do not forget to keep the soil moist, water the seedlings with a spray bottle. The room temperature should be 23 - 25 degrees.

2 weeks after the sprouts appear, the seedlings are fed with a special fertilizer for tomatoes. The second time is fed after another 3 weeks. On cloudy days, supplement the seedlings with fluorescent lamps.

Landing in a permanent place

In the fall, sprinkle 1 tbsp. spoonful of complex fertilizer, then dig up the ground. Seedlings are planted in the greenhouse in early May, and in open ground - in late May, early June. The culture is watered immediately.

Tomatoes The shuttle is planted in open ground, placing 4 bushes on 1 m². First, the seedlings are covered with a film from the wind and low temperatures.

Pull weeds, water bushes in time. Take measures to prevent pests from attacking tomatoes. During the season, fertilize the bushes 3-4 times, alternating chemical fertilizers and organic matter: manure, bird droppings. Fertilize the bushes after watering. Pour a solution of 30 g of compound fertilizer and water over 1 m². So you can fertilize the tomatoes every 2 weeks.

Don't water the tomatoes too often. If there is no drought, then water the bushes every 2 weeks. Water with warm, settled water in the evening, when the sun has already set.

If the weather is hot, water more often. Tomatoes do not like stagnant moisture in the soil, so wait for the topsoil to dry between waterings.

Disease and pest control

Since the tomato shuttle is not resistant to disease, renew the top layer of the earth every year. Water the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate, eliminating fungi.

watering bushes

For the prevention of late blight, it is advised to spray the plants with compositions that contain copper. It is possible from mid-June to process the bushes with Bordeaux liquid (this is a combination of lime and copper sulfate solutions).

Pluck and burn diseased leaves and fruits. If tomatoes grow in a greenhouse, be sure to ventilate the room so that there is no too humid air.

To grow healthy bushes that would not suffer from viral diseases, observe the crop rotation. Do not plant seedlings in an area where nightshades used to grow. Plant bushes in the place where there were legumes, herbs, cabbage, carrots.

To prevent the attack of pests, mulch the soil with peat, mown grass, humus with a layer of 10 cm. Pull the weeds in time.

inspection of the bushes

Examine the bushes regularly, especially the underside of the leaves. If you see the larvae, then collect them and burn them, you can wash the bushes with warm water with soap dissolved in it.

If you see slugs, then collect them, make a solution of ammonia. Spray bushes with them. If you plant parsley, celery, mint in the aisles, it will scare away harmful insects.

If the tomato variety Shuttle is very severely infested with pests, treat the bushes with insecticides. Reviews strongly recommend processing before the first ovaries appear.


Reviews of the Tomato Shuttle are extremely positive. The one who planted tomatoes fell in love with the variety for its ease of care: the bushes do not need to be formed, tied up and pinned.

Svetlana, who lives in the Moscow region, writes: “I like the variety of Tomato Khelnok, because the tomato is excellent for conservation, the fruit has a dense skin that does not crack from boiling water. I grow them in my summer cottage. Very easy to care for. "

With a little effort, you can harvest a large crop of delicious tomatoes. Having planted the Shuttle, you will eat delicious and sweet fruits all summer.

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