When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2020

Summer residents are interested in: when to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2020. It is required to distribute the time so that the plants have time to build up the green mass, form a developed root system, and so that the aerial part does not stretch out. Some summer residents attach great importance to the influence of the moon. They try to sow tomatoes exclusively on favorable, from the point of view of astrology, days.

We plan planting work for 2020

Before drawing up the planting calendar, check the availability and quality of seeds. They must be fresh and viable. Seeds purchased in specialized stores do not require additional preparation: they should be immediately planted in seedling containers.

But independently harvested seeds of varieties require preparatory measures:

  • germination tests;
  • disinfection;
  • stimulating germination.

Proper preparation is the first step to a good harvest.


In January, the summer resident is advised to review his records and determine which varieties or hybrids he will grow in 2020. At the same time, the expiration dates of existing materials are checked. This month, leading agricultural firms are holding thematic exhibitions. It is also recommended to visit them, learn new items and purchase additional material.

tomato seedlings

The seedlings do not feed themselves on their own. You should take care of fertilizers for her. Potassium humate and mineral complexes for seedlings are suitable.

Gardeners of the south sow seedlings to obtain early vegetable products grown in the greenhouse.


This month is ideal for preparing the ground. Summer residents, who independently prepare planting mixtures, bring frozen components into a warm room in advance. If desired, they can be additionally disinfected by calcining in the oven or spraying with manganese-sour potassium solution.

planting tomato


It's time to prepare the planting containers. You don't have to buy them: washed sour cream and yogurt cups will do. In the second decade, sowing begins on seedlings of late-ripening varieties. Summer residents of the southern regions are beginning to plant early tomatoes for growing in a greenhouse.


The busiest month for a summer resident. Tomatoes are traditionally sown for growing in a greenhouse. Early varieties of tomatoes for open ground (for the southern regions) should also be sown. The rest (February) seedlings are dived and put on a lighted windowsill.Plants need to be supplemented with an agrolamp. In the south, the time has come to plant seedlings in the greenhouse, which came from seeds sown in January.

planting tomato



The last month for sowing tomatoes for seedlings. You should have time to finish the work before the 15th. Some growers offer ultra-early ripening varieties for problem regions. They are sown on April 20-25.

planting tomato

Unfavorable days for sowing and planting

Astrologers say: the growing moon is responsible for the growth of the aerial part of the tomato, and the waning moon is responsible for the formation of the root system. It is worth confusing these phases, planting incorrectly, and the seedlings will slow down development. By planting in a permanent place, tomatoes will have thin stems, a lack of leaf plates and a poorly developed root system. And the gardener will receive a paltry harvest from such bushes.

Days not worth sowing and planting tomatoes (according to the lunar calendar):

  • there are no such days in January;
  • in February - 2, 3, 9, 10, 15;
  • in March - 8-10, 13-16;
  • in April - 2, 3, 7, 8, 15.

tomato seedlings

It is recommended to additionally take into account the sign of the zodiac through which the planet passes. Virgo enhances both negative and positive influences.

What affects the landing time?

In order to get high-quality seedlings that will quickly take root in a new place and give a high yield, several factors should be taken into account.

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings, depending on the region

Hardworking gardeners grow tomatoes in all regions of Russia. But the climate has its own distinctive features, so the terms when it is required to sow tomatoes for seedlings are changing.

tomato seedlings

It is important to remember: only zoned varieties and hybrids should be grown. This will reduce risks and allow you to get a good harvest.The timing may vary slightly depending on the planned method of growing: in a greenhouse or outdoors.

Regions of central Russia

The climate of central Russia is moderately continental. The seasons are pronounced. But the warm period for growing tomatoes in the open field in a seedless way is not enough: the crop has a long growing season. The average time for sowing tomatoes for seedlings is from late February to late March. But some hybrids can be sown in the first half of April.

tomato seedlings

Ural and Siberian regions

In the Urals and Siberia, there are long frosty winters and hot, but short summers. Warm days for harvesting tomatoes are not enough for growing in a seedless way. Therefore, gardeners tend to plant seedlings.

Late varieties can be sown even in late January - early February. And the resulting seedlings should be planted in open ground.

Early varieties begin to be driven out in March. Tomatoes grown by seedlings are planted in open ground after return frosts and protective measures are taken: a double lutrasil shelter for the night.

tomato seedlings

Leningrad region

This region has sufficient illumination and lack of heat. The weather is very unstable, therefore it is recommended to transplant seedlings into open ground after June 15. And sowing should be in the second or third decade of March. Over a long period of development, tomatoes stretch out and outgrow. Seedlings are transferred to a permanent place with buds or blossoming flowers.

Gardeners should consider the possibility of covering plantings at night with lutrasil.

Far East

In the Far East, the climate is harsh and unstable. Even in May, the average daily temperatures do not rise above 10 degrees Celsius. Therefore, it is impossible to grow tomatoes without seedlings.

tomato seedlings

For planting in an unheated greenhouse, sow the material at the end of February. The finished seedlings are moved to a permanent place in early May. Prior to this, the seedlings already have 5-6 pairs of permanent leaves. In the open ground, tomatoes yield only when they are covered overnight. Seedlings are planted outside in mid-June.


In Belarus, the climate is somewhat milder than in central Russia, therefore, the seedlings are planted 2-3 weeks earlier. And you can sow seedlings in the third decade of March. Sowing ends in mid-April.

South of Russia

In the southern regions, winters are short and warm, and summers are long and hot. Therefore, this region is favorable for growing tomatoes in the open field and greenhouses. In this region, only early vegetable products are grown in greenhouses. Gardeners are already serving their tomatoes on the table in May.

tomato seedlings

Ready seedlings are planted in an unheated greenhouse in March. And they begin to cook it in January-February. Some summer residents sow tomatoes directly into open ground in May. Warm weather and the absence of return frosts make it possible to grow tomatoes in a seedless way.

Depending on the variety

Manufacturers offer varieties and hybrids of different ripening periods. It depends on this which types to sow first. What needs to be considered:

  1. Ripening period. Late and mid-late tomatoes are planted earlier. It takes them longer to give the fruit to black growth.
  2. Type of tomato. Breeders offer ultra-early varieties and hybrids that grow and develop so intensively that when planted late (late April) they yield like regular early tomatoes.
  3. The ability of a tomato to pick up technical ripeness when storing it. On the market there are tomatoes of the New Year's series. They ripen just in time for the festive table.

tomato seedlings

If the gardener cannot determine for himself when to sow tomatoes, you should carefully study the inscriptions on the seedling bag. The manufacturer writes when work is required.

Greenhouse or open ground

On average, the difference between planting in an unheated greenhouse and open ground is 2-2.5 weeks. Some gardeners, at the same time as transplanting into the greenhouse, transfer the rest of the seedlings there for hardening.

But if we plant tomatoes in a heated greenhouse, then we choose the timing depending on the planning of heating and lighting costs. In such conditions, tomatoes are harvested all year round.

tomato seedlings

Determination of terms according to folk signs

To plant tomatoes in a heated or unheated greenhouse, follow the schedule according to popular beliefs. But when placing seedlings in open ground, you can use the knowledge of ancestors: the poplar flew fluff - it's time to plant tomatoes.

Sowing according to the lunar calendar

Our satellite influences the movement of the waters of the world's oceans. Astrologers claim that since all living things are 50-70% water, the Moon also affects the growth and development of organisms.

A planet in a growing position favorably affects the development of the aboveground part of tomatoes. And in the decreasing phase, the root system begins to develop. Therefore, to obtain healthy seedlings, it is important to sow the material during the growth stage of the planet, but so that they germinate on the full moon.

Considering that the seeds germinate on the 5-9th day after planting, then they should be planted around this time before the full moon. After the cotyledon leaves appeared, the underground part began to actively develop (this is the time of the waning moon). But as a basis for determining the timing of sowing seeds, it is recommended to take the characteristics of the region and the recommendations of the manufacturer of the variety or hybrid.

  1. Olya
    1.01.2019 18:01

    I took note of many dates, I will definitely use your recommendations.I could not even think that there are so many unfavorable days for sowing tomatoes in April and March. I’m sure these days it’s better to do something else.

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