Description of the Indio tomato variety and its characteristics

Tomato "Indio F1" is produced by breeders of the Japanese company Sakata Seed. Recommended for outdoor cultivation, this hybrid is highly disease resistant. The hybrid has received good reviews from domestic farmers.


The main characteristics of the tomato: the growing season is 105-115 days. The stem of the tomato is powerful, there are many leaves that protect the fruit well from sunburn. The foliage is a deep green, regular shape. Hybrid "Indio F1" is not stepchild, but props are made, since the fruits are quite large and fall off the bush. The first ovaries are formed over the 5th leaf. A season can bring about 5-6 clusters of tomato. Each cluster has 4-5 fruits of the same size and shape. The yield of the hybrid is high, about 12 kg per square meter.

growing season

Description: fruits of a tomato "Indio F1" cylindrical, "cream", red. Inside contains 3 seed cells. The weight of the fruits of this variety, depending on the growing conditions and care, from 120 to 200 grams. The average length of the fruit is 8 cm. It has a pleasant taste.

It has proven itself in pickles and canned foods. The "cream" shape makes the fruit even more attractive and allows the fruit to pass into the jar, where the tomatoes look very nice.

The variety tolerates transportation well. After being removed from the root at the stage of milk ripeness, the fruits are stored and ripen for up to 4-5 months in a cool place or in the refrigerator.

tomato indio

Tips and agricultural techniques

Disinfection of seeds is a mandatory procedure that will relieve in the future from many fungal diseases of tomatoes. Seed soaking can be carried out for 10-12 hours in warm water or aloe juice. Sowing seeds is necessary in light fertile soil.

To obtain a high-quality harvest, it is important to observe the temperatures:

disinfection of seeds

  • Temperature 23-25 ​​for seed germination.
  • After shoots 20-22 degrees.
  • At night the temperature is 14-15, and in the daytime 19-20 degrees.
  • It is imperative to harden the seedlings outdoors in the evenings or early in the morning for about 1-2 weeks before planting.

Watering is carried out as the soil dries out. Seedlings should be chosen only healthy, not elongated with a developed root system and a thick stem. Do not plant many plants nearby. Optimally 3-5 per square meter. Mulching the soil prevents the growth of weeds, and additionally enriches it with organic matter. Water the tomatoes only with warm water early in the morning or in the evening when the soil temperature is below 20 degrees.

after germination

Features of the variety

In reviews of the "Indio F1" tomato, they note that planting bushes in a greenhouse does not increase the yield. This variety thrives on open field cultivation. Stress-tolerant and shade-tolerant tomatoes, withstand temperature extremes and dry periods.

Top dressing and processing

Fertilization must be done on time according to the scheme:

a bucket of tomatoes

  • 2 grams of nitrogen fertilizer per bush (before flowering);
  • 1-2 grams per bush potash fertilizers (after flowering);
  • Every 7-10 days, calcium nitrate, 1-2 grams per bush;
  • "Biogrow" or other biostimulant according to dosage in the annotation.

Treatment for pests and diseases is carried out before flowering plants, at least 10 days before harvest. The alternation of chemicals must be carried out in accordance with their compatibility, as well as the duration of their action.

another biostimulant

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