Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Caramel, features of agricultural technology

For harvesting for the winter, Caramel tomatoes are perfect. The most popular tomato among summer residents Yellow caramel. In addition, these varieties of tomatoes are used for making salads, for buffet and festive tables. These small-fruited tomatoes yield good yields.

Features of the variety

High-yielding tomato variety Yellow Caramel F1 - a hybrid in the first generation. Bred in Russia. The main positive characteristic of the variety is its early ripening and prolonged fruiting period.

Tall bushes reach 2 meters in height. These plants have a large number of stems, richly covered with leaves of a rich dark green color. A long stem can bend under the influence of overflowing tomatoes. To prevent this from happening, the bushes must be tied to a trellis or to pre-dug stakes.

The ovaries form clusters with the simultaneous development of up to 50 fruits. The yield is quite high: for the season from 1 sq. m of area, you can collect up to 5 kg of yellow caramel tomatoes.

Positive features of the variety

The description of the Caramel variety contains the following positive qualities:

caramel harvest

  1. Early ripening of tomatoes.
  2. Prolonged period of fruiting and ripening of tomatoes Caramel.
  3. Nice looking bushes with many bright fruits.
  4. Increased plant endurance: not afraid of shady areas, spring frosts.
  5. Resistant to many diseases of tomatoes.

As evidenced by the reviews of gardeners, the red caramel tomato can be grown in different climatic conditions, giving high yields without much effort.

Description of Caramel fruits

Small tomatoes of the "Caramel" variety have their own characteristics:

description of caramel fruit

  • weight is not more than 30 g, and the diameter does not exceed 3 cm;
  • tomato Caramel is colored bright scarlet or bright yellow;
  • the shape of the fruit is plum-shaped;
  • the pulp is juicy, sweet with a slight sourness;
  • the skin is smooth, dense;
  • suitable for canning whole tomatoes;
  • does not deteriorate during transportation.

These tomatoes have a high content of vitamin C. The variety got its name due to the special taste of the fruit. Tomatoes will not only perfectly decorate the table, but will also delight you with a taste reminiscent of caramel sweets.

Tomatoes Red Caramel

Yellow caramel has its own analogue - Red Caramel F1. Garlands of red tomatoes on tall bushes delight with a pleasant decorative look. When ripe, the fruits acquire a rich-sweet taste. Suitable for both raw consumption and canning. The tomato is successfully grown both in greenhouses and in open areas.

red caramel

The description includes the main disadvantage of the red and yellow Caramel tomatoes. The downside is that a tomato cannot be grown from seeds harvested from fruits grown on its site, since they do not inherit maternal qualities.

Growing rules

Growing tomatoes of this variety is possible even for a novice gardener. Planting is carried out in seedlings. Sowing seeds in containers for obtaining seedlings begins in the third decade of March. You can do without disinfecting measures, but you will have to treat the seed with a growth stimulator, which will increase the yield.

In containers for sowing seeds, soil is placed, consisting of garden soil with the addition of humus and vermiculite. The seeds are placed in shallow furrows and sprinkled with soil on top.

Immediately after sowing, the soil in the container is watered abundantly with water and covered with plastic wrap. During this period, the main condition for normal seed germination is a room with a temperature of about +23 degrees.

tomato watering

After the emergence of sprouts, the containers are transferred to a cooler place, well lit by the sun's rays.


Of no small importance is the dive of tomato seedlings after the formation of two true leaves. Each seedling is placed in a separate container or in one container, but with a large distance between the plants. Planting in a greenhouse or in open ground is carried out in the second half of May. Make sure that the soil is sufficiently warm and that there is no danger of repeated frosts.

Planting of plants is carried out in this way: per 1 sq. m should be no more than 3 bushes of tomatoes of this variety. A handful of wood ash and a spoonful of complex mineral fertilizer are poured into each hole. After replanting, be sure to thoroughly water the soil with the seedlings.


As it grows, the stalks that do not have an ovary are pinched. It is advisable to leave 1 - 2 large stems on the bush. To stop the growth of the plant in height, pinching the top point of the bush is carried out, which provides access to the crown of sunlight, which has a beneficial effect on the formation of ovaries and ripening of fruits.

To prevent the stems from breaking, a periodic inspection of the bushes is carried out in order to timely tie them to the supports or to the trellis.


Watering is also important. Irrigation is carried out with warm water. If there is a well or a well on the site, water is preliminarily drawn into a large container, and after it is warmed up, watering is performed. This procedure is carried out in the evening so that the water that gets on the leaves does not burn the leaves after heating it with the sun's rays. Optimally, watering should be carried out at the root of the plant.

Top dressing

During the season, Caramel tomatoes are necessarily fed with organics every 2 weeks with the addition of complex mineral fertilizers. As organic matter, a solution of mullein or bird droppings is used. For 1 bucket of water, 1 kg of manure is taken. Under each bush, 2 liters of such an organic composition are poured.

Diseases of tomatoes and pests

Tomato variety Caramel is resistant to disease, but one should be prepared for such manifestations in order to take timely measures. As preventive measures to combat the manifestations of diseases typical of tomatoes, such as tobacco mosaic, fusarium, late blight, the following measures are taken:

  • loosening the topsoil;
  • removal of weeds;
  • treatment of plants to form the ovary with "Fitosporin" or another type of preparations with antifungal properties.

To cope with insects dangerous to tomatoes, the bushes are treated with insecticides. The same property is possessed by infusions and decoctions of chamomile and celandine.

Tomato variety Caramel is ideal for canning: the rich color allows the fruit to be used for pickles, when decorating dishes served to the table.

Tomato varieties called Caramel are a welcome tomato for growing on any plot of land.

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