Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Pink miracle, its yield

Tomato Pink Miracle F1 is a hybrid variety obtained in the course of research by breeders working in NISSA. Reviews of many summer residents and scientists claim that this variety is on the list of the best tomatoes due to its taste and aroma. The advantages of this hybrid include endurance, unpretentious care. However, there is one drawback - the planted seeds do not give rich harvests, except for the first.

Main characteristics

There are many positive characteristics of the Pink Miracle tomato. So, a tomato has the following qualities:

  • determinancy, which is directly related to early maturity - the first harvest can be obtained 86-90 days after sowing;
  • high yield: on average, 5 fruits are formed on one brush, the weight of each of which can reach half a kilogram - whoever grew this variety in his country house claims that with special care the plant bears fruit with heavier fruits, the weight of which can reach 1 kilogram;
  • the pink skin of all fruits is distinguished by a delicate structure and subtlety;
  • the variety belongs to the dining room, so it can be eaten fresh, prepared drinks and sauces;
  • the shape of the fruit is round;
  • the fruits are large, tasty;
  • the plant is unpretentious;
  • suitable for growing in various climatic zones;
  • high resistance to a wide range of diseases and pests;
  • you can grow this variety not only in a greenhouse, but also in open ground;
  • plant height on average reaches 110-115 centimeters, the structure of the bush is spreading;
  • the maximum yield is achieved after the formation of 2-3 stems;
  • the plant needs the installation of supports, since it can break under its own weight.

The characteristic and description of the Pink Miracle tomato variety says that the harvested fruits have a short shelf life. Once harvested, it should be eaten or processed and prepared into a dish or drink for several days.

Growing and care

Sowing work is required to start in mid-March and continue until early April. To get fast shoots and a rich harvest, you can use the sowing and planting recommendations indicated in the lunar calendar. If you do not want to use the calendar, the following universal advice should be taken into account: tomatoes should be planted on the growing moon.

growing tomato

Sowing work should be carried out in boxes or separate pots, peat glasses. Then the soil is moistened, the container is covered with foil or glass. After 5-7 days, the first shoots can be seen on the soil surface. After that, the planting material should be regularly watered and provided with light.

Description of tomatoes Pink Miracle claims that this variety does not need pre-sowing treatment and growth stimulants. This is due to the high resistance of the variety to environmental factors and pests. However, soaking the seeds is not prohibited and is an excellent method of preventing plant pests and temperature extremes.


Planting seedlings in open ground should be carried out only after all frosts. Landing in the greenhouse should be done in early May or late April. Then the following care is carried out for the planted material:

tomato on a branch

  1. The stepsons are removed once a week.
  2. To obtain a pair of stems, one stepson should be left on top, and to obtain three stems - two stepsons on both sides in the sinuses above.
  3. So that the bushes do not break under the weight of the tomatoes, it is necessary to form supports in advance.
  4. For one season, the plant should be given 2-3 mineral fertilizers. It is better to use a biological preparation for this.
  5. Fertilizing the bush with manure should be done twice. For this, the manure material is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 9. Then the liquid is infused for a week and in a volume of 1 liter is poured under the bush. Such top dressing increases the yield, strengthens the protective capacity of the plant.
  6. After watering, loosen the soil.
  7. When weeds appear, they should be removed immediately.

Those who planted the Pink Miracle tomatoes claim that if all the above recommendations for caring for the plant are followed, its yield and immunity increase several times, the fruits ripen quickly.

Possible diseases

Despite the fact that this type of tomato is resistant to various kinds of diseases, with poor care, insects can attack it. To get rid of them, odorous substances should be laid between the beds, for example, cinnamon, onion husks, black pepper. In case of tick lesions, they can simply be washed off with soapy water.

It is worth considering that in the process of growing the Pink Miracle tomatoes, the summer resident will not have to deal with many common pathologies. This is due to the plant's high resistance to tobacco mosaic virus, late blight, Alternaria.

However, when planting a plant in the soil, it is necessary to take timely care of the seedlings, otherwise their immunity may weaken and be exposed to pests.

Hybrid varieties are resistant, excellent taste and aroma. Therefore, Pink Miracle tomatoes are often planted by gardeners in their summer cottages. Since this variety gives a rich harvest, summer residents can harvest a huge variety of salads, sauces, and preparations for soups for the winter. Reviews claim that if there is no desire to engage in canning vegetables, the Rose Miracle can be quickly sold on the market, since this variety is in great demand among buyers.

  1. Anna Sergeyevna
    9.09.2017 21:46

    I also grew this tomato variety this year, but at the same time, on the advice of my neighbors, I used BioGrow, a bioactivator for plant growth, the neighbors are delighted, and I didn’t notice anything special, just like when you water chicken droppings. Same. I bought it in this store.

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