Description of the tomato variety Fat, its planting and care

Tomato Fat is a hybrid of the first generation f1. Presented by Russian breeders of the Sedek agricultural firm. Medium early, short. It is unpretentious in care, easily adapts to cultivation conditions, that is, it has good plasticity.

Basic description

Determinate bushes, height 70-80 cm. Leafiness is medium, leaves are dark green, medium size. The inflorescences are simple, the stalk is articulated. The variety is included in the state register of the Russian Federation for all climatic zones. Suitable for growing outdoors and under cover. Recommended for growing on private farms.

tomato fat

Fruit characteristics:

  • ripe red tomatoes;
  • flat-round shape;
  • weight 200-300 g;
  • yield from 1 sq. m. about 8 kg.

The main advantage of the hybrid is large-fruited with a relatively low height of the bushes. Fruits of a good presentation with excellent taste. The pulp is multi-chamber with a small amount of seeds. Tomatoes are suitable for long-term storage and transportation. Tomatoes are dense, smooth, resistant to cracking. The variety is rarely affected by the following diseases:

ripe tomatoes

  • verticillosis;
  • various types of rot.

Ripening of tomatoes begins 105–110 days after mass germination. A variety of salad purposes. Good fresh and for blanks.

flat-round shape

Planting and leaving

Fat tomato seeds are sown in mini-greenhouses 60–65 days before planting in the ground. The germination rate of the material of this variety is 100%. Mid-season tomatoes are planted in a permanent place in the first decade of May.

The determinant variety requires partial formation, removal of stepsons. The main stem gives 3-4 flower clusters with 5-6 or more fruit nests. Bushes of the Zhirdyai f1 variety are spreading with strong stems, per 1 sq. m. 3-4 plants are planted. If the hybrid is "led" into 2 stems, then no more than three bushes.

different types

The first flower cluster is laid after 5 leaves, followed by 1-2. When ovaries begin to form on the bushes, tomatoes are in dire need of potassium. The yield will be increased by wood ash embedded in the aisle. The soil under the plants is watered with a liquid solution (on a bucket of water):

  1. 2 tbsp. l. ash.
  2. 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate.

During the active growing season, the tomato variety Zhirdiai f1 needs minerals. It is convenient to use complex formulations: nitroammophoska, nitrophoska.

partial formation

Many gardeners confuse the hybrid Fat and mid-late Fat f1. Large-fruited indeterminate Fat Man is represented by the same manufacturer. In terms of yield, it is inferior to the Fat hybrid, and is more demanding in care.

Harvesting and storage

Tomatoes last long on the bushes. However, it is not worth waiting for complete biological maturation. Thus, the development of the remaining fruits is delayed. Tomatoes ripen well spread out in a well-ventilated area.Hard green fruits should not be removed, as their growth phase has not yet been completed. With the appearance of a light shade, tomatoes can be ripened.

flower brush

For long-term storage, it is better to select late varieties of unprotected tomatoes. Mid-early Fat f1, harvested at the stage of technical ripeness, is stored in a cool room (+ 5 ... + 7 ° C) for several months. In the refrigerator in the lower vegetable compartment for 1–2 weeks.

Reviews of gardeners characterize Zhirdyai as a "tomato sumoist", 2-3 tomato ovaries left on one brush grow up to 400-500 g.

tomato sumo

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