Characteristics and description of the Spanish giant tomato variety, its yield

Usually gardeners boast about their tomatoes, the mass of fruits. If you manage to grow a Spanish giant tomato and get even a few tasty fruits from it, then this is a great success. One tomato is enough to feed the whole family with salad.

The Spanish giant is the best among large-fruited varieties

Many farmers distinguish tomato varieties that produce fruits weighing five hundred or more grams. These include the mid-late Spanish giant. In addition to the large mass of tomato, he is given the following characteristics:

  1. The height of the bush can reach from two to three meters.
  2. No more than ten or eleven fruits are tied on the stems.
  3. The average weight of a tomato reaches three hundred and fifty grams.
  4. The yield is high: from one bush, you can collect five to seven kilograms of fruit.
  5. The shape of the tomatoes resembles a plum with an elongated nose, pale red in color.
  6. The juicy pulp has a large percentage of dry matter, few seeds.
  7. Suitable fruits for fresh consumption, vegetable cuts.

Heat is important for the variety, it does not tolerate temperature changes, so it is better to grow it in greenhouses.

How to grow tomatoes

A thermophilic plant, tomato, prefers areas with hot climates. There are all conditions for him for rapid development, high yields. The rays of the sun, warm wind, soft rain help the fruits to quickly pour. In temperate climates, such varieties, giants, are best planted in seedlings.

Seedling preparation

Vegetable growers know that the future harvest of tomato largely depends on seedlings and their quality. Almost everything has to do with when the tomatoes are sown, how they were looked after.

seedling preparation

If in the southern regions you can sow a vegetable plant at the end of February, then in a temperate climate - in mid-March. You can determine the timing yourself if you count from the end of frost 55-65 days. Sowing tomatoes of the Spanish Giant variety for the greenhouse begins two weeks earlier.

Create a tomato seedlings conditions are necessary, which consist in:

  • a lot of light;
  • high humidity;
  • air temperature from 18 to 25 degrees above zero.

Preparation for sowing tomatoes plays an important role. It includes disinfection of seeds and soil. Seed material goes through the stage of processing with a solution of potassium permanganate for twenty minutes, baking soda (0.5 grams per half glass of water). Helps keep seeds healthy by placing them in liquid Fitosporin for two hours.

The soil is calcined in the oven for ten minutes, maintaining a temperature of two hundred degrees. You can spill the earth with boiling water or potassium permanganate solution.Disinfection methods combine or choose the most suitable for themselves.

ripening of the fetus

Ten days after the procedures, they start planting seeds. Close them up to a depth of one centimeter. The distance between seedlings should not be small, otherwise the seedlings will not have enough nutrients.

Seedling boxes are placed in a warm place, covered with foil, and often moistened. Usually after three to four days, plants begin to hatch. For sprouts, care is required in the form of:

  • regular watering;
  • backlighting 16 hours a day;
  • airing;
  • heat;
  • sunbathing;
  • feeding every three weeks.

With crowded plantings, as soon as two or three true leaves appear, they begin to pick the seedlings.

The signal for the transfer of tomatoes to the greenhouse is the laying of the first flower brushes. Ten days later, the seedlings are planted indoors.

Greenhouse planting

Prepared greenhouses are supplied with healthy soil, which must be decontaminated. The earth is poured into a layer of seventeen centimeters on the layers of manure. To prevent the appearance of pathogenic fungi, manure should be powdered with wood ash or fluff lime. Tomatoes love nutritious soil with high water and air permeability. A universal composition will be a mixture of black soil and peat.

You need to plant seedlings in a greenhouse on a calm day, in the evening. The tomato stem is well buried.

Tall Tomatoes The Spanish giant needs proper care. Its description includes:

tomato pods

  1. Bush formation. You can leave one stem or two. Then, in addition to the main shoot, a powerful stepson is needed under the first flower brush.
  2. It is better to leave on tomatoes up to seven to eight flower brushes.
  3. After the formation of brushes, pinch the top of the main stem.
  4. Tall tomatoes need a mandatory garter.
  5. In addition to moderate watering, to preserve moisture, the soil is mulched with a layer of straw and peat.
  6. Greenhouses are ventilated by monitoring the air temperature. It should not rise above 29 degrees Celsius.
  7. From fertilizers, both organic matter and minerals are used every ten days.

Giant fruits should be harvested as they ripen. Brown, placed in a dry and warm room for ripening.

According to vegetable growers, the Spanish giant variety is distinguished by amicable ripening. Tomatoes are liked for their excellent taste, fruitiness. They are instantly eaten by children and adults in the summer.

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