Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Dobry f1, its yield

First generation hybrids are bred to show the best parenting qualities. Such is the tomato Dobry, obtained in the form of an indeterminate plant. It is especially suitable for growing under film covers.

Features of the hybrid

If you want to grow delicious tomatoes for summer salads, then the Dobry variety is the best fit for this. The bushes of the plant are tall, reaching 160-180 centimeters. Large, dark green leaves on long stems. The hybrid bears smooth, dense fruits that are light green when unripe and red when ripe. Tomatoes are flat-round in shape, weighing up to 170 grams. Tomatoes taste one of the best - sweet, fleshy.

tomato Kind f1 in the garden

Use the harvested fruits for making summer salads, canning in pieces. Tomatoes ripen 110-120 days after the first shoots appear.

Tomato Dobry F1 is suitable for growing indoors, as it does not have time to mature outdoors. From ten to thirteen kilograms of juicy tomatoes are harvested from one square meter.

Belonging to the F1 generation, the hybrid is resistant to such dangerous tomato diseases as fusarium, viral mosaic.

The excellent characteristics of the vegetable plant contribute to the prevalence of the hybrid in the gardener's plots.

Tomato appearance Good f1

Agricultural rules for tomatoes in greenhouses

The seedling method is a real opportunity to get high quality Dobry tomatoes.

Growing seedlings

Tomato seed preparation carried out in advance. The procedures will allow you to get seedlings that are resistant to many diseases. Having placed the seeds in a canvas bag, they are immersed in a potassium permanganate solution for twenty minutes. Prepare it by dissolving one gram of crystals in a glass of water.

The next step is to process the seed in a nitrophoska solution for two hours. For hardening, the seeds are placed first in the heat for a day, then in the cold for two days.

Soil is poured into containers, moistened, tamped. Tomato seeds are laid out at a distance of two centimeters from each other, burying them one and a half centimeters into the ground. Place the tray in a well-lit place. To make the seeds hatch faster, cover the containers with plastic wrap.

The description of seedling care includes the following actions:

  1. Watering should be done every seven or fourteen days, depending on the condition of the topsoil.
  2. Compliance with the temperature regime is important for seedlings.It will stretch out strongly if the air temperature is below sixteen to eighteen degrees in the first week, twenty in subsequent periods.
  3. As soon as three leaves appear, the seedlings dive.
  4. After transplanting, it would be good to feed the seedlings with a nitrophoska solution by dissolving fifteen grams of the substance in a bucket of water.
  5. A week before transferring the plants to the greenhouse, the bushes are sprayed with a boric acid composition.

Whoever grew the seedlings correctly will receive good vegetable yields in the future.

tomato bushes good f1

Preparing a greenhouse for planting a tomato

Any greenhouse structure is prepared for planting vegetables in the fall. The main procedure is room disinfection. The wooden buildings are fumigated with sulfur. For this, a mixture of sulfur and kerosene is placed on the iron sheets and set on fire. Aphids for four days, sulfur will protect plants from pathogenic fungi and pests.

In greenhouses with a metal frame, a solution of bleach is used, which is sprayed on the surfaces inside.

The soil in the room is replaced with a new one every five years. Be sure to disinfect the soil mixture with Bordeaux liquid before planting the vegetable.

Since tomatoes are heat-loving plants, the soil must be heated from the inside. A layer of sawdust ten centimeters thick is poured under it, then compost is twenty centimeters thick.

Transplant rules

Seedlings are planted in well-heated greenhouses at the end of April, under film coverings - until mid-May.

The procedure for planting a vegetable in a greenhouse is as follows:

  1. Make holes in the ground 15 centimeters deep.
  2. Seedlings are watered half an hour before planting in a closed ground, and the long roots of the plant are shortened.
  3. Seedlings are placed in the ground up to the first leaf. The elongated seedlings are slightly tilted, sprinkling part of the stem with earth.
  4. The soil is tamped around the stem, and the bushes are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid (100 grams of substance per 10 liters of water).

Tomatoes Dobry F1 require a garter to pegs or trellis.

tomato seedlings Dobry F1

Plant care

Growers know how important it is to properly care for tomatoes. The rules of care include:

  • moderate watering;
  • regular feeding every ten to fourteen days;
  • airing the greenhouse;
  • maintaining the air temperature not higher than 25 degrees Celsius, and humidity up to seventy percent.

Who planted indeterminate tomato species, advises not to forget about the formation of the bush. Removing the stepchildren, leave one stem, in rare cases - two.

The opinion of gardeners about the tomato Dobry

The hybrid bears excellent fruit in greenhouse soil, gives good yields. The fruit taste is excellent. Everyone who planted tomatoes of this variety notes their resistance to diseases.

In order for the fruits to ripen faster on the bushes, red tomatoes must be removed from the branches in time. Properly applying the rules for care, you can get a good harvest of Dobry tomatoes in the middle of summer.

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