Characteristics and description of the Zhigalo tomato variety, its yield

Zhigalo tomatoes are an original variety that amazed everyone with their unusual oblong shape and taste. It is a high-yielding variety that can be eaten raw, and can also be salted and pickled. Fruits are always expected at the end of summer if the seedlings are planted in May. This plant is a standard plant, the bush never grows more than 50 centimeters, which makes it easier to care for it. The variety is not a hybrid, so it is quite possible to germinate its seeds for seedlings.

More about tomato

Description and characteristics of tomatoes can help you learn the rules for caring for them.

This variety was developed by breeders. The bush is small, it does not need to be tied up, pinned. The foliage is moderate, the inflorescences are simple. Fruit ripening usually takes place three months after germination.

bunches of gigalo

There are a lot of fruits on the bush, they hang like a toy on a Christmas tree, they hang on brushes of 6-7 pieces. The shape of these fruits is very unusual. Elongated, rectangular with a rounded base. They look like pepper. Color from orange to red. Length up to 12 centimeters, weight up to 150 grams. The pulp is firm, the taste is sweet, but the acid is also present.

It is good to cook salads from this tomato, as well as various preparations for the winter: pasta, adjika, pickle, salt. It will be delicious to make dried or sun-dried tomatoes from them. They look very nice in banks. They can be harvested unripe and stored until reddening. But, ripening on a branch, the taste will seem brighter.

During ripening, the harvest takes place simultaneously. This variety is good for sale and has a good attitude towards transportation, as their skin is dense and thick. Does not crack.

This variety of tomatoes can be grown by everyone, even a novice gardener. It is important to find out the features and requirements for growing them.

Growing features

The cultivation of these tomatoes is carried out in seedlings from germinated seeds. They begin to be planted in March. After sowing, you need to cover with foil and monitor the temperature, it should not be lower than 18 degrees. Before planting, you can soak the seeds in a special solution, which will protect future plantings from diseases and help germinate faster.

wet tomatoes

It is important to provide enough light for the scions. After several leaves appear on them, they can be seated from each other.

Plant only mature seedlings with a dense core and hardened in the garden. This is usually done in May. The soil for plants is prepared in autumn and spring. It should be soft, light, rich in fertilizers. For these tomatoes, it is important that there are top dressing in the form of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, manure, chicken droppings, humus. All this allows you to grow juicy healthy fruits.

Usually, three months pass from sowing seeds to the beginning of fruiting. In this regard, the variety can be considered mid-season. All this time, attention from gardeners and high-quality care is important for tomatoes.

Care and care

A feature of these tomatoes is the small size of the bushes. Therefore, caring for them will be much easier: they do not need to be tied up, they do not need to be tied off from excess processes, foliage. Carry out the picking only in cases where there are too many extra processes.

tomato in the garden

During the growth of these crops, it is necessary to provide them with high-quality plentiful watering. It is important to do this only with warm, settled water from the barrel. Watered at the root, not on the foliage. The foliage can be sprayed a little on a hot day.

The earth is loosened, huddled, removing weeds. Weed grasses take nutrients from vegetable crops. Preventive measures are being taken to combat harmful insects. For this, the bushes are sprayed with special solutions purchased in the store.

There should always be enough light. It is also important to monitor the moisture and acidity levels. They should not exceed the norm.

This tomato variety is very fond of good fertile soil, so it is important not to forget to feed them.

No plucking is needed. They rarely get sick. You can sometimes sprinkle foliage and tomatoes with remedies for some diseases, soak seeds against fungus.

Reviews of gardeners

Those who have ever planted Zhigalo tomatoes were pleased with it. The tomato has positive ratings and recommendations for growing.

bowl of tomatoes

Lydia: I planted this variety twice. I like them very much, it is convenient to cut them into a salad, stuff them. Adjika of them is not watery, thick. The bushes did not hurt. The yield is abundant. Unusual shape. Even children like it. I recommend this variety for those with small greenhouses.

Gigalo is a tomato that lovers of unusual varieties choose. In order for the harvest to be larger, it is necessary to constantly pay attention to the culture, to follow all the rules of care. Then the tomatoes will delight you with delicious juicy fruits. Successful landings!

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