Description and cultivation of Alpine forget-me-not varieties, planting and care

The delicate forget-me-not flower is known all over the world. Each country has its own legends and magical stories associated with this plant. Decorative carpets and forget-me-not flower beds are found in parks, squares and gardens.

Early horticultural crops are always pleasing to the eye and uplifting. It is for this that alpine flower growers and gardeners love forget-me-not.

Biological features of a flower

In its natural environment, Alpine forget-me-not is found in the Caucasus mountains, the Alps and the Carpathians. The plant is light-loving and unpretentious to the composition of the soil, because in nature, the Alpine beauty has to grow on stony soils and rocks.

This plant variety is taken as a basis for breeding decorative varieties of culture.

What does it look like

Small herbaceous bushes from 5 to 15 cm with large green-silver leaves. The inflorescences are dense with multiple buds, which open with bright blue flowers. The maximum size of flowers is 1 cm with 5 petals. Depending on the variety, there are white, pink and purple flowers. After the vegetative period, berries are formed on the plant, in which the seeds are located.

When forget-me-not blooms

Forget-me-not bloom period from 40 to 50 days. The period begins in April and lasts until June. Therefore, when planting a plant, it is necessary to take care of the flowering receivers in the flower beds.

forget-me-not flower

How many years has it been growing?

Forget-me-not Alpine refers to perennial flowering plants, but in the conditions of gardens and personal plots, the culture is replaced every 2-3 years. After a 2 year flowering period, the plant begins to gradually degenerate. The bushes become taller, and the active flowering gradually fades away.

Application in landscape design and floristry

Florists and landscape designers often use the Alpine beauty to create unique garden beds and compositions. Forget-me-not perfectly complements flower beds with tulips, daffodils, daisies and pansies.

In gardens and in private plots, there are decorative forget-me-not carpets and alpine compositions.Also, blue flowers are planted along curbs and arbors.

forget-me-not on the site

Conditions for growth and flowering

To grow a flower, you do not need special knowledge and skills, because forget-me-not is a completely unpretentious plant.

The only condition for proper growth and development is moderate moisture in the soil and air.

Climatic conditions

Since the alpine forget-me-not is a mountain flower, the plant tolerates temperature changes easily. Spring cold snaps and frosts are not terrible for her.

In gardening conditions, the place where flowers are planted should be well ventilated and well lit. In the southern regions, the flower is specially shaded with bushes and tall grasses.

Area illumination

Flowers are planted in well-lit areas with shaded areas. From direct sunlight, the flowering period is shortened, and the rich blue color becomes faded. To preserve the beautiful bushes, taller and sprawling plants are planted next to the forget-me-nots, which create shade. These can be decorative ferns, bushes, or tall flowers.


Soil composition

Forget-me-nots are unpretentious flowers, but the soil for them must meet the following requirements:

  1. Soil saturated with fertilizers and nutrients is not suitable for flowers. In excessively fertile soil, forget-me-nots actively grow and develop, but flowering is scarce.
  2. If there is a close location of groundwater and soil water on the site, the plants will begin to hurt and die. In such cases, the flower beds are raised 15-20 cm above the ground level.
  3. Plants are not comfortable in sandy soils.

Important! Alpine forget-me-not is planted in soil with a moderate content of nutrients and moisture.

Reproduction of culture

To increase the number of flowers on the garden plot, they are multiplied. There are several ways to get new, strong and healthy plants.


In adult bushes, 4-5 cm of the upper processes are cut off. Cut cuttings are immediately planted in open ground and covered with foil or jar. Plants quickly take root and enter the flowering stage already in the same season. In the first year, flowering is poor and short-lived.

Dividing the bush

With proper care, the flowers grow and develop quickly, so forget-me-not bushes are divided and planted. The process of dividing the bushes is carried out at any time during the growing season of the plant. The rhizomes of flowers are not dense, the bushes are easily separated.

 forget-me-not in the garden


Seeds are planted in open ground in the middle of summer in a pre-prepared flower bed. To do this, dig holes in the ground, no more than 2 cm deep, into which the seeds are laid out.

The holes with the planting material are buried and watered from the watering can with small holes.

After 12-14 days, the first shoots appear, after which the plants are removed from under the film. For the winter, the flower bed is mulched, and in the spring the plants are planted in a permanent place of growth.

Important! A distinctive feature of alpine flower seeds is black, glossy color. Gray and brownish seed is planted for growing annual plants.

How to plant a plant on a site

There are no particular difficulties with planting forget-me-nots in open ground. An inexperienced gardener or florist will cope with such work.

First of all, you need to decide which landing method will be used.

Selecting a landing site

Alpine forget-me-not pleases for a long time with flowering in sunny meadows and flower beds. In extreme heat and drought, plants are shaded by tall and sprawling neighbors. If the flower bed is in the open sun, then the flowering period is shortened.

Planting flowers

Soils for cultivation are suitable for neutral, with a small content of fertilizers and dressings.

Optimal timing

The timing of planting flowers in open ground depends on what kind of planting material is used for plant propagation.

Seeds are sown in the middle of summer, cuttings are planted in open ground immediately after the grafting procedure, seedlings for flowers are harvested in the fall.

Sowing seedlings

Getting a blooming garden at the very beginning of spring is the dream of every gardener and florist. So that the blooming forget-me-nots are ready for planting in open ground in April, they begin to grow seedlings in the fall.

reproduction of forget-me-nots

Flower seeds are planted in prepared containers with turf soil and sand. Seed material is carefully placed on the very surface of the soil and slightly covered with soil. The containers with flowers are moistened by spraying and covered with foil or glass until the first shoots appear. Then the plants are planted in separate pots and transferred to a cool place until spring.

Landing in open ground

They begin to plant seedlings in open ground in mid-spring. And the preparation of the flower beds is done in the fall. Organic or mineral dressings are added to well-loosened soil, and in the spring, peat and humus are added to the soil.

Forget-me-not care

A garden flower is not demanding in care, but there are agrotechnical rules that are strictly followed when growing a cultivated plant.

Forget-me-not care


In the spring, the flowers are not watered, they have enough moisture, which remained in the soil after the snow melts. Alpine garden forget-me-not is sensitive to an excess of moisture, so the plant is watered only on hot days and drought.

Top dressing

The garden flower is not picky about additional feeding. They are carried out if there are not enough nutrients and minerals in the soil.

For 2-3 weeks before flowering, use mineral dressing. The rest of the nutrients are introduced into the soil when planting plants.


Organic fertilizers and humus are added to the soil in the fall. In the spring, mineral fertilizers are applied to the flower beds with forget-me-nots.

How to care after flowering

After the end of the flowering period, the plants lose their decorative properties. The young shoots that appear are planted, otherwise the forget-me-not will quickly grow and interfere with the development and growth of other flowers.

Garden flower

Pests and diseases associated with the cultivation of forget-me-nots

Flower bushes are rarely affected by fungal diseases and pests. If the necessary requirements were met when planting the plants and the rules of care were not violated, then the risk of diseases is minimal.


In order for the flowers to grow healthy and beautiful, preventive measures are taken in the process of planting and care:

  1. Before planting, the seed is treated with antibacterial drugs.
  2. Avoid waterlogging of the soil.
  3. Overgrown plantings of flowers are planted.

Important! Due to the high humidity, Alpine forget-me-not often becomes a victim of root rot and powdery mildew.


If the plant could not be protected from diseases and pests, it is necessary to use special preparations based on fungicides for treatment.


Garden forget-me-not for the winter period is left in the ground. The plant easily tolerates frosts, so no additional wintering work is required.

In regions with a continental climate, flower beds are covered with dry foliage or mulch.

Garden flower

Popular varieties of forget-me-nots

In the process of long-term work of breeders, several varieties of garden alpine forget-me-not have been bred.

Alpine mix

A combination of different colors of flowers blooming on compact bushes. Long and abundant flowering allows this type of culture to be used to decorate garden and backyard plots.

Forest glade

A perennial plant with bushes from 20 to 30 cm. The active phase of flowering occurs in late spring. The multi-colored buds bloom with white, purple and pink flowers.

forget-me-not flower

Blue perennial

Bushes of flowers grow up to 40 cm. Leaves are rich green.During the growing season, dense inflorescences with blue and blue flowers are formed. Abundant and long-lasting flowering.

Pink varieties

Bushes from 15 to 30 cm, with fluffy basal leaves and dense, cluster-shaped inflorescences. After opening the buds, pink and bright pink flowers appear. The most popular varieties of pink forget-me-nots are Carmine King and Rosylva.

Join the fairy tales and legends of the whole world, and forget-me-nots will become your guide to the magical world of flowers.

  1. Julia
    4.04.2019 21:24

    These flowers are ideal for decorating a summer cottage. In one flowerbed, you can combine flowers of different colors, it will turn out incredibly beautiful. Forget-me-nots grow quickly, and bloom for a long time.

    To answer
  2. Vitaly
    5.05.2019 18:25

    Woe copywriters, it's a species, not a variety

    To answer
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