Description and characteristics of Robusta roses, subtleties of planting and care

Decorating a garden plot with a Robusta rose allows you to make a bright accent in the landscape composition. The contrast of bright flowers against a background of dark foliage creates a special charm. The planting requires minimal maintenance and is considered unpretentious to the surrounding conditions.

Description and characteristics of the Robusta rose

The main pronounced feature of the variety is the bright scarlet color of the petals. Flowers form on spreading bushes with powerful shoots, which must be taken into account when planting. Park rose Robusta grows up to 1.5 m in height.

The bushes of this variety can be visually recognized by the following characteristics:

  1. The buds are symmetrical and fold neatly. Small stamens grow on each bud.
  2. The shape of the buds is oblong, and after blooming, brushes of 7-9 flowers with a light aroma are visible on the roses.
  3. There are few leaves on the bushes, but they are large, with a wrinkled surface, rich green color.

The Robusta variety is subdivided into the Cordeo and Pink categories. The first variety has increased resistance to frost, but is distinguished by an exquisite appearance of the buds. The second variety is characterized by the presence of pink flowers, but caring for them requires compliance with certain features.

rose robusta

Advantages and disadvantages

A large number of benefits have made the cultivar common among gardeners. The main positives include the following:

  • resistance to frost, which allows you to use a minimum shelter for the winter;
  • long flowering, which begins in early spring and ends after the first autumn frosts;
  • continuous opening of buds, even with frequent precipitation or exposure to hot sun.

Considering the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting the lack of resistance to diseases and pests. Another disadvantage is that the branched shoots are covered with sharp thorns, so you have to use garden gloves when caring for the plants.

flowering bush

How to grow flowers correctly

Planting Robusta roses requires compliance with a number of rules. An integrated approach to plant cultivation simplifies subsequent care, promotes the active growth and development of bushes.

When and where to plant?

Robusta rose grows well on soil with a simple composition, but improving the site allows you to improve flowering.The best option is medium loamy soil, consisting of turf, humus and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. It is desirable that the place be lighted or semi-shaded.

The planting work is recommended to be carried out in early spring, but after the risk of return frosts has disappeared.

Plants will be able to quickly adapt to new conditions and begin to actively develop.

landing in the ground

Selection and preparation of planting material

Rose seedlings should have healthy roots and stems with a smooth surface. It is also important to ensure that there are no visible signs of damage. A few hours before planting, the seedling is soaked in a root formation stimulator.

Landing technology

For planting, a pit is prepared with a depth of 60 cm and a diameter of 70 cm. Expanded clay is placed at the bottom of the pit and a standard complex fertilizer is applied. The roots of the plant are immersed in a hole and covered with soil. Completing the planting, water the planting and mulch the area of ​​the trunk circle.

hands in the ground

Further care of the plant

Abundant flowering is facilitated by competent flower care. Standard care involves the implementation of a set of agrotechnical techniques.


The earth under the bushes is moistened as the top layer dries. As a rule, it is enough to water the plantings once a week, spending 10-15 liters of water per bush.

Land cultivation

Preventive treatment reduces the risk of disease and pest damage. For spraying the soil, insecticides and fungicides are used.

land cultivation


Once a year, the bushes are fertilized with compost or humus, spreading the top dressing as mulch and gradually embedding it in the ground when loosening. Additionally, feeding with mullein solution is required. The soil is watered with liquid fertilizer in May and August.


In the process of forming bushes, old, weak and rotten shoots are removed. Shaping is recommended in spring and early fall.


The plant should be transferred to a new place in early spring or late summer. The rose must be carefully dug out along the projection of the crown, capturing the largest possible lump of earth. Then the planting is placed in a new planting hole, the conditions in which will be close to the previous ones for quick adaptation.

transplant in the fall

Preparation for wintering

Despite the resistance of the Robusta variety to frost, preparation for winter is required. Overhead structures made of spruce branches and non-woven material allow to protect the plants. It is enough to tilt young bushes to the ground and cover them with spruce branches, without using film.

Disease and pest control methods

Unfavorable conditions and violations of the rules of care lead to diseases and insect damage. When growing roses, you can face the following problems:

  1. Aphid attack. Insects gnaw through juicy leaves, and to eliminate parasites, they are treated with "Karbofos" or "Fitoverm".
  2. Rust. As a result of the disease, rusty spots appear on the leaves. For treatment, spraying with a fungicide is required.
  3. Powdery mildew. The disease affects the aboveground part of the bushes in high humidity conditions. A symptom of the disease is a white-gray coating on flowers and leaves. Powdery mildew can be eliminated using fungicidal preparations.

chemistry bag

Flowering and dormant period

The Robusta variety blooms from early spring to autumn frosts. The rest of the time, the plant is dormant, while it does not wither or die. With the onset of warmth, active growth resumes.

Reproduction methods

You can increase the number of bushes on the site by reproduction. To do this, the easiest way is to divide the bushes and root the cuttings or offspring in the ground.

sprout in a glass

The use of roses in landscape design

Rose Robusta is suitable for single planting or as a hedge. You can combine this variety in landscape design with most evergreen and flower crops.

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