Instructions for the use of fungicide "Cabrio Top" for the treatment of grapes and its toxicity, terms

Gardeners and gardeners who grow vegetables and fruits often use fungicides. Among the effective means for protecting grapes from pests and diseases, the drug "Cabrio Top" is distinguished. Before using the fungicide "Cabrio Top" for grapes, study its instructions for use.

Features of the drug

Kabrio Top is an effective remedy capable of protecting grape seedlings from many pathologies and insects. In its manufacture, two active ingredients are used, which include metiram and pyraclostrobin. The peculiarity of these microelements is that they complement each other's action. It is thanks to these components that the medicine effectively fights common grape diseases.

The product is sold in the form of small granules weighing about 5-7 grams. Before use, the granules are dissolved in water to create a spray solution.


Anyone planning to use Cabrio Top should familiarize themselves with its distinctive characteristics. Among the main features of the fungicide is its ability to gradually accumulate in plant tissues. This makes the preparation resistant to heavy precipitation. Even if raindrops hit the surface of the leaves, the components of the drug are not washed off, but remain in the tissues. Thanks to this, the effect of spraying with a fungicidal solution remains for a long time.

Experienced growers advise using a product to protect grapes from:

  • powdery mildew;
  • oidium;
  • spotting;
  • decay of the root system;
  • aphids;
  • scab.

drug cabrio top fungicide

Advantages and disadvantages of "Cabrio Top"

Cabrio Top, like all fungicides, has pros and cons. Therefore, before you spray them grapes, you should study them in more detail. The advantages of the fungicide include the following:

  • It has medicinal and prophylactic properties that can reliably protect grape bushes.
  • It has a long-term therapeutic effect that lasts several weeks.
  • It contains auxiliary components that effectively fight against fungal infections and anthracnose.
  • It quickly penetrates the leaves and stems of plants and is not washed off even by prolonged rains.
  • Compatible with other fungicides, which allows its use in the complex treatment of grapes.

Among the disadvantages of "Cabrio Top" are the following:

  • has a limited range of effects;
  • expensive.

packaging of the drug Cabrio top fungicide


Instructions for use will help to correctly use the fungicidal preparation when spraying grapes.

Before processing, a special working fluid is prepared, which will be sprayed on the bushes. For this, the fungicide in the amount of 20-25 grams is stirred in 10 liters of hot water. Then the solution is infused and cooled for two hours. The hot mixture is dangerous for the grapes, and therefore it is treated only with the cooled liquid.

For the first time, the mixture is used in early April, when the first buds appear on the stems. The next time the procedure is carried out in two weeks. If signs of the disease begin to appear on the bushes, re-processing is carried out earlier. You can use Cabrio Top not more than four times in one season.

grape processing process

Fungicide toxicity

If you follow the recommended dosages, the product will not harm the plant and insects that are responsible for pollination. However, for humans, the agent is considered dangerous, and therefore one must be careful when using it. Winegrowers recommend wearing a protective suit and using a respirator before processing to prevent particles of the drug from entering the body.

You also need to take care that the liquid does not get into the eyes. Therefore, for additional protection, you will have to wear glasses.


Cabrio Top is a common fungicidal preparation used to protect grapes. Before using the product, be sure to study its characteristics and instructions for use.

a man processes grapes in a vegetable garden

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