Description of the Alpha grape variety, yield characteristics and cultivation features

Summer residents are actively planting greenery with grapes Alpha. It is a well-known technical grade. Vigorous bushes are beautifully entwined with arbors and pergolas. The hedges are hung with purple bunches in autumn.

It is quite easy to grow grapes: this variety is suitable for working gardeners. Alpha makes excellent dry and semi-dry wines. Summer residents in the fall receive enough raw materials for the preparation of natural drinks.

Alpha grapes

Breeding history

The Alpha variety is fairly well known. He is over 70 years old. Received grapes in the USA. Two varieties were taken as a basis: Labrusca and Riparia.

Alpha was tested first near Odessa, then in a vineyard near Brest. As a result, the grapes were spread throughout the USSR. They began to grow it as a technical one.

cultivation features

Description of the variety

Alpha is an excellent pollinator. It is often used to pollinate self-fertile varieties. Description of the variety:

  • the plant is easy to root and adapt;
  • the bush is prone to overgrowing;
  • late ripening variety (150 days from the awakening of the vine to harvest);
  • vigorous bush (vine stretches up to 9 m);
  • the vine is dense;
  • the bush is prone to fruit overload;
  • the leaf is bright green, large (25 cm long, 30 cm wide);
  • the variety is resistant to temperature changes;
  • the fruits do not fall off the bush within 2-3 weeks after the harvest ripens;
  • active growth of shoots (regular stripping is required);
  • excellent rooting of cuttings (98%).

Alpha has a number of advantages: it gives a consistently high yield (10 kg per bush), unpretentiousness, frost resistance.

vigorous bush


The Alpha variety has the following characteristics:

  • frost resistance of vines up to -45 degrees Celsius, root system up to -12;
  • the color of the berries is purple, with a slight brownish bloom;
  • rounded berries;
  • the maximum weight of the grape is 3 g;
  • brushes of medium density, elongated;
  • average hand weight - 90 g, maximum - 250 g;
  • the pulp is dense, juicy, sour;
  • sugar content - 16%;
  • the skin is dense.

purple berry

Alpha is stored in a cool place without loss of taste and marketability for up to a month.

Advantages and disadvantages

Alpha grapes are popular with gardeners. Its advantages:

taste qualities

  • unpretentiousness;
  • frost resistance of the vine and root system;
  • ease of growing;
  • fast survival rate;
  • resistance to weather changes;
  • consistently high yield;
  • rapid growth of vines;
  • use as a pollinator for self-infertile varieties;
  • the use of both a self-rooted form and a scion;
  • the possibility of using the variety for landscaping.

ease of growing

But Alpha also has disadvantages:

  • poor resistance to disease;
  • low tasting score;
  • tendency to overgrow;
  • the need for constant pinching.

Alfa is suitable for growing wine raw materials in regions with a short warm season.

overgrowth tendency

Selection and planting of seedlings

Alpha is unpretentious in care. But to get a harvest, you need to follow the recommendations:

  1. Healthy rooted cuttings are suitable for planting. The root system, underground and above-ground parts must be well developed.
  2. Any grape variety can be used as a rootstock. A healthy Alpha stalk is taken for the scion. It is recommended to inoculate in any convenient way (in splitting, in an invoice).
  3. The landing site should be sunny, protected from the north and north-east winds. The grapes should be planted near the southern and southwestern walls of summer cottages. It is recommended to take into account the size of the bush: it is required to retreat from the walls 2.5-3 m.
  4. The grower should take care of the support for the vine in advance. The plant overloads itself with fruits. Untied stems break, the crop is lost.
  5. The depth of the groundwater at the site is 3-4 m. The grapes cannot stand waterlogging of the soil. To prevent wetting and decay of the root system, drainage is required before planting. To do this, it is necessary to grind crushed stone, brick, tiles and pour a layer of 7-10 cm on the bottom of the planting pit. This simple measure will prevent stagnation of water at the roots.
  6. The variety prefers fertile, friable soils with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. It is recommended to deacidify acidic ones by adding lime (1 liter per square meter). To obtain a permeable soil, add perlite, neutral peat, sand.
  7. Alpha rooted well when planted in early spring or mid autumn.

fruit canopy

It is recommended to buy grapes in nurseries or specialized stores: this way you will be able to avoid disappointment.

Care features

Alpha is an unpretentious cultivar in cultivation. It grows and bears fruit quickly, even with inexperienced growers. But you need to follow the basic rules:

large clusters

  1. Alpha is responsive to watering. The soil should be moistened during flowering and ovary formation. It is recommended to stop watering during the ripening period: excessive soil moisture leads to cracking of the berries.
  2. It is recommended to combine watering with top dressing. In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers should be applied. In spring and autumn - mineral complexes.
  3. The variety is vigorous. It needs to be trimmed to evenly brighten maturing brushes. It is imperative to carry out stripping and pinching during the ripening period.
  4. Winter preparation is impossible without formative pruning. Remove all immature vines (they are green). Then leave the replacement shoot (2 eyes) and above it the fruiting vine (6-7 eyes). Up to 6 of these segments are required on the main vine.

Grapes winters well without shelter. To protect the root system, it is recommended to mulch the near-trunk circle with sawdust with a layer of 15 cm.

small harvest

About diseases and pests

Alpha grapes are resistant to fungal diseases. But he is amazed by chlorosis, mildew, oidium, anthracnose. Wasps, birds love to feast on fruits.

To prevent diseases, it is recommended to observe the regime of watering and feeding. Place traps to deal with wasps. Stretched protective nets help keep birds away.

girl eating

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