Description and characteristics, pros and cons of Krasa Severa grape varieties and growing rules

There are varieties of grapes, from the name of which it immediately becomes clear what the dignity of garden culture is. If you want to get tasty and beautiful bunches, while making a minimum of effort, you should pay attention to the Krasa Severa grape variety. In ordinary life, many gardeners call him Princess Olga. For successful cultivation, you need to know in advance about the features of plant care.

Description of Krasa Severa grapes

On the market for horticultural crops, the variety of grape varieties increases every year. In the southern regions of Russia, old crops are replaced by new ones with better breeding qualities. At the same time, in the northern regions the situation is the opposite, and there is no alternative to varieties such as Krasa Severa, so they still remain popular.

Beauty of the North

Breeding history

The grape variety has been successfully cultivated in Russia for over 50 years. Culture owes its appearance to the scientists of the Research Institute Michurin I.V., 1960 is considered to be the date of his birth. For several decades, the plant has found wide distribution and, thanks to its unique breeding qualities, is actively grown today in the southern and northern regions of the country.

Bush structure

The Krasa Severa grape bush is covered with three-lobed leaves. In the upper part they are dissected, on the lower side there is little pollination. The variety is considered high-yielding, and one shoot gives off 1.2 inflorescences. In the season, the bush is characterized by rapid growth, which can be 95%. For a year, the plant is capable of reaching a height of 3 m.

description of grapes

Pros and cons of the variety

The Krasa Severa grape combines excellent taste and external qualities. The variety is unpretentious to care for and does not require increased attention. The advantages of the variety include:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • buncation of flowers;
  • decent taste;
  • tolerance to low temperatures;
  • universality of use;
  • crop stability.

A long period of growing grape varieties in the conditions of Russian regions in practice has confirmed the advantages of the plant's breeding characteristics.

Characteristics of Princess Olga

The description classifies the grape variety as a white table variety. Berries are used fresh, for making juices, it can be used in the field of winemaking. The plant belongs to early maturing and frost-resistant species.

buncation of flowers

Frost resistant

Garden culture is a frost-resistant variety. Krasa Severa grapes are able to withstand low temperatures and a drop to -26 C.

Pest resistance

Aphids, ticks, thrips are considered dangerous pests for grapes. In the fight against these types of pests, mechanical and chemical methods are used. They like to eat wasps and bees. To save fruit from them, gardeners often have to use mesh shelters.

Possible diseases

Krasa Severa grapes are not highly resistant to grape diseases. The plant is susceptible to damage by mildew and oidium. The degree of resistance to them in a plant is estimated at 3.5 points. At the same time, the culture is not afraid of gray rot, even with high humidity, the bunches can be kept on the bush for a long time without losing the quality of the fruit.

 taste qualities

Berry properties

The grapes are greenish in color; a slight tan of a pink hue can be observed on the surface of the skin. There is a thin waxy coating on it. The shape of the fruit is round, it has a sweet taste and leaves a pleasant sensation of freshness after consumption. The size of one grape can reach 2 cm. The seeds are small, their number can be from 2 to 4.

The berries are collected in clusters with a mass of 250-380 g. The pulp contains 5.4 g / l of acid, the sugar content varies from 14 to 17%. Due to these indicators, sugar can be omitted when making juice.

Tasting qualities

The tasting qualities of the fruits were rated 8.4 points.

Vitamin content

The berries of the Krasa Severa variety contain a large amount of folic acid, which is especially useful for women in the first period of the trimester of pregnancy. The fruit contains vitamin A, a wide variety of groups B, C, PP and E. Among a wide variety of trace elements, you can find such important for the body phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. The pulp contains an impressive list of trace elements, including iron, fluorine, manganese.

crop stability

Healing effect

It is useful to consume not only grapes, but also juice. Due to the high content of nutrients, using a natural remedy, they compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and essential elements. Berries help with asthma, migraines, chronic fatigue. They are used as a prophylaxis against heart disease and reduce the risk of blood clots.

Grapes have always been famous for their properties to slow down the aging process, improve the condition of the skin and hair, therefore the fruits are widely used in the field of cosmetology.

Planting seedlings

To get a decent harvest, it is important to choose a healthy, quality seedling. A guarantee of obtaining a crop of the desired variety is to contact specialized nurseries or purchase from trusted sellers.

tasting qualities

Selection of seedlings

The seedling should not show obvious signs of damage or defects. It is necessary to pay attention to the root system of a young plant. The shoots should be "live", dryness and decay should not be observed. The color of the root surface should be whitish, darkening of the areas means the presence of problems and indicates the beginning of the development of putrefactive processes.

Site selection

For landing, it is necessary to provide a sunny place, protected from the effects of gusts of wind. The soil should be sandy or sandy. The plant has a powerful root system, so an area with waters close to the surface is not suitable for planting grapes. Gardeners often plant a crop next to building structures, in this case, an indent of 1.5 m from the foundation is required.

green berries

Digging a hole

Soil for planting grapes prepare in advance, digging it up 2 weeks before planting, so that the soil has time to settle. The depth of the pit should be at least 80 cm, diameter 60 cm. If there is sod, it must be removed, and the layer can be used for planting. To do this, it is laid on the bottom of the pit, placing the surface with the grass downwards, after decaying it will turn into fertilizer.

We make a landing

Before planting, the roots of the grape seedling are placed in a nutrient solution using a growth stimulator. The drug is prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions. If damaged processes are detected, they are removed.


What to do and why

When growing grapes on heavy soils at the bottom of the pit, it is required to provide drainage with a thickness of 30 mm. For this, small gravel or crushed stone is used. Sandy soils do not need drainage, but for better water retention at the bottom, they form a "castle" of clay, laying the material in a layer of 20 cm. Then, phosphorus-mineral fertilizers are added to the soil, which will provide the plant with a sufficient amount of nutrition.

Before planting, it is required to carefully spread the roots of the seedling, achieving their uniform distribution. The pit space is covered with fertile soil, adding organic matter to the soil in the form of humus or rotted manure. After planting, abundant watering is provided for the shoot, giving the plant 20 liters of water. When planting, they adhere to the scheme, maintaining a distance between neighboring bushes of 1.5-2.5 m.

growing fruit

Growing and care

The plant is undemanding to care for. Mandatory work includes pruning, fertilizing, watering and loosening the soil. To prevent diseases, it is recommended not to neglect spraying with drugs against pests and infections.

Pruning and shaping the bush

It is recommended to form shoots in a fan manner, in which 4 sleeves are left. In the spring pruning is required, it can be short or medium, depending on the age of the grapes. For fruiting, from 6 to 8 eyes are left in young bushes, up to 10 in adults. When performing work on the rationing of the process of forming bunches, no more than 40 shoots are left.

bush formation

Root care

The plant requires timely watering. Excessive waterlogging is destructive for a plant, therefore, it is undesirable to allow excess moisture. To prevent freezing of the crop in winter, the absence of root shoots coming out to the soil surface is controlled. If there is a similar problem, such areas are removed by cutting as close to the trunk as possible.

Tapestry and garter

For the grapes to grow, it is necessary to provide support, which is achieved by trellis and tying the shoots. Trenches are dug on the sides and pillars are installed. 3 rows of wire are pulled between them, to which the shoots are tied.


The first plentiful watering of the grapes is carried out in the spring in order to stimulate the growth of the plant and accelerate its "awakening". During the growing season, additional moisture is provided as needed. In the autumn, the amount of irrigation is reduced, which reduces the plant's ability to grow and helps it prepare for winter.

trellis and garter


The first work is carried out in the spring after removing the shelter, adding phosphorus-potassium fertilizers under each bush. Nitrogen-containing preparations can be used to stimulate plant growth. 1.5 weeks before the beginning of the flowering period, they are enriched with a solution of chicken manure, dissolving in water in a 1: 2 ratio. During the ripening period of the berries, the soil is enriched with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

Treatment against diseases and pests

To prevent diseases of grapes with mildew and powdery mildew, preventive spraying is carried out in the spring. To combat the first, Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate or a chemical preparation are used.The most popular remedies include Radomil and Acrobat. Colloidal sulfur or Topaz are used to protect against powdery mildew. The first spraying is done at the beginning of the season before the flowers bloom, and repeated if the first signs of the disease are found on the leaves.

harvested crop

Preparing the bushes for winter: mulch and cover

In the autumn, after the plant has dropped the leaves, work begins to form a shelter. To do this, the plant is removed from the trellises, the remaining dead parts are removed and the shoots are pressed to the ground. Dry leaves, branches are laid on top of the grape vines or sprinkled with earth. Some gardeners prefer to use shelter material.

It is important not to overdo it when providing protection from cold weather, otherwise the plant will begin to "growl", and the risk of its death increases significantly.


The grape variety is considered high yielding. The average rate of return of fruits from a bush is 12 kg. To obtain larger berries, the number of grape clusters should be controlled.

wall of green


The term for collecting brushes depends on the growing area. The grape variety is considered early, and the ripening period begins 110 days after flowering.


In the fruit market, the grape variety is in demand, as it has excellent external characteristics and good keeping qualities. It is not afraid of long-term transportation conditions and is capable of not losing its properties for a long time.

bushes tied

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