How to properly dilute iron vitriol for processing grapes in summer, autumn and spring

Growing grapes requires knowledge of how to protect the plant from disease. Only preventive measures taken on time can lead to the full development of the vine, successful and abundant fruiting. Timely feeding of the berry culture also plays an important role. Gardeners need to use iron sulfate for grapes in agricultural technology. The drug is important as a means of prevention and treatment of major diseases of the fruit crop.

What it is?

Iron sulfate is a solution of ferrous sulfate. Iron sulfate is odorless and consists of transparent bluish-green crystals. The substance differs:

  • good solubility in water;
  • low toxicity;
  • oxidation by air;
  • low degree of decomposition at high temperatures.

In industrial production, ferrous sulfate is obtained as a by-product when iron sheets or wire are etched with sulfuric acid to remove scale.

You can prepare the substance yourself by acting on scrap iron with a dilute solution of sulfuric acid.

The use of ferrous sulfate is extensive. In addition to agriculture, it is needed as a medicine for patients with iron deficiency anemia. Serves as a means for dyeing fabrics, ink production.

plant protection

Iron vitriol is produced in the form of a crystal-like powder, in packages weighing 150 grams.

Mechanism of action

Since crystals of ferrous sulfate are obtained by the action of sulfuric acid on iron, they are used when necessary:

  • replenish the number of atoms of an important substance in plant tissues;
  • fertilize the soil;
  • destroy pathogenic microorganisms;
  • take measures to combat chlorosis.

The crystals contain so much iron that if it is lacking, you can replenish it with 1-2 procedures of spraying with a solution.

vitriol crystals

Given the low toxicity of the substance, it is used only for preventive purposes in the fall. The treated plants will be protected from fungal infections. But vitriol weakly acts on insect pests, stronger means are needed. Therefore, copper sulfate, which has stronger disinfecting properties, is useful here.

What are the benefits for grapes

For work in the vineyard, it is necessary to use a solution of ferrous sulfate. Due to the lack of iron in the vine, problems begin. They are determined by the lagging of shoots in growth, yellowing and leaf fall. There is nothing to dream about the harvest when the vine is in such a state. Only treatment with iron vitriol will save.

For diseases: mildew, bacterial cancer, spotted necrosis - spraying with iron sulfate will also help. They heal wounds on the vine, since the restoration of the structure of the wood layer under the action of vitriol solution is faster.

grapes on a branch

In the northern regions, it is possible to delay budding artificially by treating the shoots with iron sulfate. Then frosts, which are most dangerous in spring, will not harm the vine.

Experienced gardeners know the effect of iron sulfate solution as the main agent that protects against winter cold. The drug helps to stimulate the multiplication of berry crops.

The tool has many advantages. In addition to a wide range of effects, it is also noted that it has low toxicity. Delicately affecting plants, without penetrating deep into the tissues, the drug has a beneficial effect on the growth and fruiting of grapes.

It only needs to be bred correctly so as not to burn the vine.

chemical composition

The substance goes well with citric acid. The prepared mixture effectively copes with non-infectious chlorosis. But vitriol is not mixed with lime, since there will be no benefit from such a composition.

Application methods

The use of ferrous sulfate in the vineyard is quite extensive:

  1. Whitewashing grape shoots will scare off ants. Pests always damage the vine along with aphids. After spring whitewashing, you can forget about these insects.
  2. Prevention chlorosis of grapes carried out by the method of soil treatment with a solution of iron sulfate. Spraying the vines is carried out before the buds open and the first leaves appear, which will avoid the problem during flowering and fruiting.
  3. Treatment with iron vitriol will save mosses, lichens, and various damages on the shoots of grapes.
  4. Water the grape bushes under the root with a mixture of 1 tablespoon of citric acid and 2 teaspoonful of ferrous sulfate, taken in 3 liters of cold boiled water. It is also necessary to feed the leaves of the berry culture with such a composition in order to heal the vine. It is important to use the product immediately after preparation, once every 10 days.


The root is used feeding grapes annually, but the concentration of the solution is different for young and adult plants.

The procedure for preparing ferrous sulfate

Depending on the purpose of processing grapes, the proportions of preparing a solution of ferrous sulfate are different:

  1. Plants need iron in the composition of the powder in the spring, after the snow melts. A concentrated solution is prepared. 15 grams of the substance is poured into a bucket of soft, settled water. After mixing, water the soil on the plantation.
  2. In order to destroy the larvae of pests and spores of pathogenic fungi, you will need to prepare a mixture of 150 grams of the substance by dissolving the powder in 10 liters of water.
  3. The non-standard part of the vine is treated in April with a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate. Only such a concentration of the substance will lead to the destruction of growths in the form of mosses and lichens.
  4. 1% ferrous sulfate agent is used as a prophylactic agent after pruning the vine. By whitening the stems of grapes, they contribute to the formation of a protective film on them. It will become an obstacle to the penetration of fungi and insect larvae into the plant.

Dilute iron sulfate crystals in only soft water. Before the procedure, crystals are poured into a rain or well-settled one. Due to the ability of vitriol to dissolve quickly, the product will be ready in 20 minutes.

damaged grapes

How to use correctly

Most often, a solution of iron sulfate is used during the period as soon as the snow melts, and the kidneys will still be dormant. In the spring, using a solution, you can:

  • fertilize the soil in the vineyard;
  • protect the crop from pests;
  • disinfect damage on the shoots;
  • rid planting of mosses, lichens.

Do not till the soil if there are no signs of iron deficiency in it.

Insecticidal treatment is carried out with a solution of 0.5-1%. They are bred as the instructions say. A strong concentration of the drug will cause burns to the vine. In the same way, a means is prepared to prevent chlorosis in fruit crops. Pour the mixture under the root. For foliar processing, a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate is taken.

blue grapes

The same mixture is used to treat places where growths in the form of lichen or moss have appeared. A few hours later, they are mechanically scraped off.

In places where there are wounds, cracks and other injuries, a soft brush is applied, applying a 1% aqueous solution of iron sulfate.

Processing is effective in the fall before the beginning of the shelter of the vine for the winter. The solution should be prepared more concentrated, from 3 to 5%. After such a procedure, the vine laid for the winter will not grow moldy, it will survive the winter cold well.

In summer, iron sulfate is not used for processing vineyards, as it causes leaf burns. You can only use watering with a weak solution of iron sulfate when signs of chlorosis are found on the plant.

Common mistakes

Like any chemical preparation, ferrous sulfate must be used correctly.

spraying with vitriol

If the instructions for preparing the solution are violated, irreparable damage can occur. Plants are threatened with death when the concentration of ferrous sulfate is more than normal. But when using small doses during processing, you should not wait for the proper result from prevention or treatment.

By spraying buds that are still asleep, you can stop their development. This is suitable for regions where spring frosts often return and destroy the vine. In the southern regions, after such processing, the development of buds will stop, and the harvest will not be received on time.

Iron sulfate cannot cure bacterial infections. You should not waste time on processing, but it is better to replace the drug with copper sulfate, which is more effective against pathogenic microorganisms.

leafy leaves

The acidic composition of ferrous sulfate does not allow it to be combined with agents based on zinc, copper, magnesium. All alkaline preparations are not used with iron sulfate. And laundry soap is not used in solutions. In combination with alkalis, there will be no sense in processing with iron sulfate. It is better to alternately spray with different preparations, observing a break of 2 weeks.

To treat the vines, take a spray bottle or sprayer, protecting body parts from contact with the working fluid. On the face - a respirator, hands - in rubber gloves.

Pets should not be near the vineyard during disinfection treatment. After applying the iron sulfate solution, wash your hands with warm water and soap.

Taking into account the instability of the drug, disinfection is carried out with the drug in quiet cloudy weather. Rains can wash off the substance from the vine, and then you will have to do preventive measures again.

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