Description and characteristics of the Apukhtinskaya cherry variety, planting and care

Planting fruit trees is a complex process that requires preparation from the gardener. It is important to choose the right one from a variety of varieties to grow. The description of the Apukhtinskaya cherry variety shows that the tree is resistant, fruitful, and has immunity to some diseases. In addition, it also has a lot of advantages, for which summer residents love and choose it.

Description of the variety

Before making the final choice, you should study the description of the Apukhtinskaya cherry variety. Taking into account some of the subtleties will help to get a stable, annual harvest, regardless of external factors. Some features of the tree have turned into the dignity of the variety, which is why summer residents trust him and continue to plant cherries in their plots. Apukhtinskaya cherry is self-fertile, so there is no need to plant a pollinator nearby.

Ripens late, but this does not bother summer residents. What is important is that the taste characteristics of the fruit are excellent. Due to this, they are used for harvesting for the winter or fresh consumption.

Characteristics of the tree and fruit

This data will help you choose the right place for landing and take into account all the necessary nuances. The study of characteristics makes it possible to avoid mistakes when growing:

  • tree height 2.5-3 m;
  • outwardly similar to a shrub;
  • drooping branches;
  • the shade of flowers is white;
  • ripens in August.

cherry apukhtinskaya

The fruits do not fall off the tree, so the gradual ripening does not interfere with a one-time harvest. The fruits are heart-shaped, the skin is glossy, thin. The shade of berries is deep red. On average, cherries weigh 4 g and taste sour. But this does not interfere with using them fresh. In addition, the fruits from this tree are excellent for preparing winter preparations, drying and freezing.

Landing rules

In order for the tree to grow and bear fruit, it is recommended to strictly follow the recommendations of specialists when planting. Otherwise, the result will be much lower than stated by the manufacturers.

planting cherries

Sapling selection

The pledge of the future harvest depends on the correct choice of seedlings. It is advisable to transplant cherries at the age of 1-2 years, they take root best. The future tree should be healthy and even. No visible signs of deformation.

Particular attention should be paid to the roots, they must be well developed, have powerful lateral branches from the main root.

Choosing a landing site

Any cherry loves warmth, light and a calm corner. In such a place, she feels good and grows quickly.It is better not to use lowlands for planting, it is better to choose a place on a hill. A small seedling needs sunlight, it cannot be shaded.

planting cherries

Soil preparation

Particular attention should be paid to the composition of the soil, it must be nutritious, neutral or slightly acidic. Clay soil is mixed with sand and peat, and highly acidic soil with dolomite flour or lime. This helps to neutralize unnecessary minerals and help the young plant grow.

14-20 days before planting, humus with nitroammophos is introduced, mixed thoroughly and left for a while.

Planting stages

After the landing site has been selected and the soil has been prepared, the pits are prepared. Size 80 * 60, if several seedlings are planted at once, then the distance between the holes is at least 3 m. The next step is to install the support. It is set in the center and hammered. Subsequently, a young cherry is tied to it.

stake in the pit

When planting, they carefully monitor the roots of the tree, they are distributed evenly and gradually sprinkled with soil to the root collar. The soil around the seedling is tamped and watered, trying not to blur the roots. If necessary, add more earth. The final stage is mulching, it helps to retain moisture and prevent weeds.


After planting a fruit tree, high-quality care is required. The volume of the future harvest depends on the efforts of the gardener. The implementation of basic agricultural techniques will help to get more fruits than from trees that are not being cared for.

watering cherries


The peculiarity of the Apukhtinskaya cherry is that it practically does not require watering. Water the tree during planting and subsequently during prolonged drought. Once every 10 days. The rest of the time, natural precipitation is enough for her wave.


A must-have process that increases the yield of any tree. There are 2 types of trimming:

  • formative;
  • sanitary.

The first pruning method is carried out seasonally, in spring and autumn. The second is constant, because in the process diseased, dry and deformed branches are removed. The formation of the crown begins from the first year. Apukhtinskaya cherry easily tolerates pruning, which has a positive effect on the harvest.

cherry trim

Top dressing

You do not need to feed immediately after planting for a year. The next year they feed:

  • in the spring during flowering with urea or ammonium nitrate;
  • after flowering with organic matter;
  • during ripening with urea;
  • in late autumn, vegetable peelings or humus are laid around the alignment.

It is important to observe the measure in everything, it is better not to feed than to overfeed.

Pest and disease control

An important step in growing a tree is combating disease and attacking insects. Effective methods are the use of chemicals. The result is high-quality and durable, but harmful substances are retained in the plant and get into the fruits. It is recommended to use folk methods, their minus is a short period of validity.

Apukhtinskaya cherry is unpretentious and undemanding to care for, so even a beginner can grow it.

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