Description of the cherry variety Lyubskaya, characteristics of yield and fruiting

Growing fruit trees on the site is not easy. The difficulty is that there are many varieties and it is difficult to find the right one. Lyubskaya cherry is an excellent variety that will appeal to all households. The main thing is to plant it correctly and carry out competent care.

Description of the variety

For complete information about the type, the summer resident is looking for detailed characteristics of cherries. This information is needed to select the correct landing site, as well as to carry out care.

Description of the variety:

cherry lubskaya

  • bush;
  • height 2.5 m;
  • the crown is wide, sparse, weeping;
  • the bark is gray-brown;
  • flowers are collected in inflorescences of 3-4 pieces;
  • fruit weight 4 g;
  • color is dark red;
  • oval shape;
  • the taste is sweet and sour;
  • Lyubskaya cherry is very juicy;
  • yield from an adult tree 12 kg, this is an average indicator, the maximum possible recorded volume is 54 kg from a tree;
  • fruits ripen at the same time;
  • carry transportation over long distances.

very juicy

The pulp separates well from the stone.

Despite the fact that the tree is able to pollinate itself, it is necessary to plant pollinators nearby. Recommend:

  • Vladimirskaya;
  • Zhukovskaya;
  • Youth;
  • Fertile Michurina and other varieties.

The plant begins to bear fruit in the 2-3rd year, the yield is stable, the frequency is not observed. The number of fruits grows every year. The maximum possible volume from Lyubskaya cherries is obtained in the 10th year of the tree's life.

Flower buds do not freeze, so the tree produces crops every year without interruption. Ripe berries do not crumble, they can hang on the branches for a long time.

berry tree

Growing features

Planting a great tree is not enough. It is necessary to take into account some peculiarities when growing, in return the plant will repay the declared yield.

Landing is carried out as follows:

  1. Choosing a place. The landing site should be protected from wind and drafts, preferably on the sunny side.
  2. Fertilization. Superphosphate, humus or manure and potassium sulfate will help enrich the soil and create the necessary microclimate for the root system of the tree.
  3. Sapling pit. Depth 60 cm, diameter 80 cm.
  4. Preparing the ground for sprinkling the roots. The soil from the pit is mixed with humus, phosphate rock and potassium sulfate.
  5. A peg is placed in the hole. A sapling will subsequently be attached to it.
  6. Timing. Cherries are planted in October or November, depending on the weather conditions in the region of residence.

Proper preparation and implementation of all of the above points will help you get the declared yield.

declared harvest


Further care of the seedling consists in:

  • weeding;
  • loosening;
  • mulching the root part;
  • moderate watering;
  • sanitary and formative pruning;
  • complex dressings;
  • preparing for winter.

If you follow the mandatory techniques, Lyubskaya cherry will yield a crop every year without interruption.

formative pruning

Diseases and pests

The tree is susceptible to coccomycosis. Its presence is indicated by the appearance of reddish spots on the leaves from the outside. On the back of the leaf, grayish-pink pads are formed.

Action is required immediately or most of the crop will be lost.

They are processed using chemicals. They have a long lasting effect. For those who do not dare to use chemistry, it is recommended to carry out preventive treatments using folk methods of combating diseases.

pink pads

Insects that spoil crops must also be destroyed. Special baits are used to catch them. Cut-off bottles with sweet contents are hung on the branches. Most of the insects will drown in them.

Cherry Lyubskaya is unpretentious, fruitful, has many positive qualities.

young seedlings

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